Key Topics
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Covid-19
  • Coronavirus
  • SARS-2
  • Distribution
  • Online
  • Pharmacies
  • Grocery Stores
  • Cleaning Service
  • Supplier
  • Hospital Supply Company
  • Hand Sanitizer Target Market
  • Hospital
  • Home
  • Work
  • Health
  • Food
  • Hotels
  • Education
  • Major Active Ingredients
  • Uses for Hand Sanitizers

ASDReports announces that it has published a new study Hand Sanitizers: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2019 to 2026. The 2019 study has 163 pages, 87 tables and figures. Worldwide Hand Sanitizer markets are expected to achieve significant growth as the pandemic emergency emerges as a worldwide issue. Some hand sanitizer manufacturers have greater market power in specific markets, such as in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Vendors have seen a significant increase in demand in these specific markets during the pandemic, helping in the sale of hand sanitizers.

The Sars-2 coronavirus is really a bad thing. Hand sanitizers are a front line of defense and will be for a long time. Every health agency worldwide is urging more use of them. This trend is expected to continue for a long time, even after vaccines are available to containing the spread.

Testing and Covid-19 are part of the ways being used to manage the disease. Hand sanitizers are needed to address the difficulties brought by Covid-19. Hand sanitizers are but one aspect of the ways that Board’s of Health have to approach the pandemic, but the most essential aspect. Handwashing is considered fundamental. Testing is an essential aspect of the response and hand sanitation is done in the context of testing.

Testing is needed to know whether or not a person has coronavirus.
Testing is needed to know whether any person around an infected person has a coronavirus.
To stop Covid-19 extensive testing is needed, in combination with use of hand sanitizer, continued shelter in place, and selected quarantine response.

PCR Testing for Covid-19 is one of the forces pushing for use of hand sanitizers. We got into this pandemic because of lack of testing. Handwashing is recognized as the way to contain the disease now that it is here. The only way out is through extensive, frequent, and long-term use of handwashing and continued testing. In the US there is a serious pandemic raging out of control in many regions. In order to deal with the pandemic in the US, we need better, and more testing, but this needs to be supplemented by sanitation of the hands. The coronavirus situation continues to rage out of control and hand sanitizers address the issues by helping to directly control spread of the virus.

According to Susan Eustis, lead author of the team that prepared the study, “Growing acceptance of frequent use of hand sanitizer is a new reality in the pandemic era. These products provide basic protections going forward.”
The worldwide market for Hand Sanitizers at $2.7 billion in 2019 grows to $36.6 billion by 2026.  The unmistakable impact of disease in increasing the death rates worldwide is driving people to take the recommendations of health authorities re: hand sanitation. The complete report provides a comprehensive analysis of Hand Sanitizers in different categories, illustrating the diversity of uses for hand sanitizers in the era of a pandemic. A complete analysis is done, looking at the growing need for hand sanitizing everywhere.