Overall, the European Dental Bone Graft Substitute and Other Biomaterials market was valued at ?181 million in 2018. This is expected to increase over the forecast period at a CAGR of 4.9% to reach ?253 million.
The market for Dental Bone Graft Market is expected to grow based on aging population, brand name recognition, bundling of implants, and bone graft substitutes and membranes
As the population ages, they will have better dentition than previous generations, shrinking the pool of potential patients for bone grafting procedures.
While this report suite contains all applicable market data, each of the markets are also available as stand alone MedCore reports. This allows you to get access to only the specific market segment research that you need. You can view all these included reports and segmentation here:
- EU Market Overview for Dental Bone Graft Substitutes and Other Biomaterials 2019 - MedView - Gives an easily accessible view of all dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials markets and trends and aggregates the data together for a picture of the total United States market.
- EU Procedure Numbers for Dental Bone Graft Substitutes and Other Biomaterials 2019 - MedPro - Using a number of databases, internal and external, we’re able to provide you with the total volume of dental bone graft substitute procedures being performed for each of the markets mentioned in this suite of reports.
- EU Market Report for Dental Bone Graft Substitutes 2019 - MedCore - The market for dental bone graft substitutes is segmented into allograft, xenograft, and synthetic markets.
- EU Market Report for Dental Growth Factor 2019 - MedCore - The market for dental growth factor is comprised of the Emdogain market, the GEM 21S market, the INFUSE market, and the Osteocel market.
- EU Market Report for Dental Barrier Membranes 2019 - MedCore - The market for dental barrier membranes is separated into resorbable and non-resorbable membrane markets.
Buying all of these reports together in this suite package will provide you with substantial discounts from the separate prices. Request Pricing to Learn More
- Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Value & Growth Trends
- 10 Year Scope
- Market Drivers & Limiters for Each Segment
- Competitive Analysis with Market Shares for Each Segment
- Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
- Disease Overviews and Demographic Information
- Company Profiles, Product Portfolios and SWOT for Top Competitors
- Related Press Releases from Top Competitors
Of the many companies in the EU dental bone graft substitutes and other biomaterials market, Geistlich maintained its leading position in the European dental biomaterial market, owing to its dominant presence in the dental bone graft substitute and dental barrier membrane markets. Botiss Biomaterials was the second leading dental biomaterial company in Europe. The company continues to benefit from its distribution partnership with Straumann. Other notable competitors include Zimmer Biomet, Non-Profit Tissue Banks, BioHorizons and numerous dental implant companies which have entered the dental biomaterial market.
The full report suite on the European market for dental bone graft substitutes (DBGSs) and other biomaterials includes dental bone graft substitutes, dental growth factors and dental barrier membranes (DBMs).