Table of Content

Table of Contents




  • Original Space Race
  • Space Industry Market Size
  • Fifth Cycle
  • Space Definition
  • Space Economy
  • Perimeters
  • Space Race 1.0
  • Space Race 2.0
  • Defense and Military
  • Commercial Satellite Providers
  • Countries in Space
  • Global Involvement
  • Government Space Budgets
  • Regulations
  • Space Investments
  • Falling Launch Costs
  • Space Market by Segment
  • Cislunar Economy
  • Key Players
  • Old Guard
  • Private Companies
  • Government National Space Agencies
  • Space Mining and Resources
  • Asteroid Mining
  • Asteroid Mining Companies
  • CISlunar Development
  • Private Company Moon Plans
  • Lunar Propellants
  • Lunar Water
  • Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
  • Mining Lunar Pole Ice
  • Mining Issues
  • Return to Moon Cost
  • Lunar Plans Advancing Rapidly
  • Conestoga Cargo Transport
  • Space Nuclear Power
  • Mars 2020
  • Mars 2020 Rover
  • Rover Power System
  • Space Tourism
  • Sub-Orbital Reusable Vehicles
  • Private Astronauts
  • Virgin Galactic


  • 1. The Karman Line
  • 2. Space Sector Perimeters and Derived Activities
  • 3. Maxar Technologies' Government and Commercial Customers
  • 4. Maxar Technologies' Strategy Focused on Earth Intelligence & Space Infrastructure
  • 5. Countries with Satellites and Launch Capability: 1966 vs. 2016
  • 6. World Government Expenditures for Space Programs by Country ($ Billion): 2018
  • 7. Commercial vs. Government Space Activity ($ Billion): 2017
  • 8. Cost in $/kg of Launching into Lower Earth Orbit (LEO): 1967-2018
  • 9. Global Space Market by Segment ($ Billion): 2019
  • 10. Global Satellite Services Market by Segment ($ Billion): 2019
  • 11. Global Satellite Manufacturing Market by Segment ($ Billion): 2019
  • 12. Global Satellite Launch Market by Segment ($ Billion): 2019
  • 13. Global Ground Equipment Market by Segment ($ Billion): 2018
  • 14. Cislunar-1000 Economy Vision Timeline: 2015 - 2045
  • 15. Cislunar Railroad Infrastructure Between the Earth and Moon
  • 16. Robotic Space Mining
  • 17. 3 Asteroids
  • 18. Proposed Architecture for Asteroid Mining Using Small Spacecraft
  • 19. Artist's Impression of Hayabusa 1
  • 20. Expander Cycle NTR Engine with Dual LH2 Turbopumps
  • 21. Coated-Particle and Graphite Composite SNRE (Small Nuclear Reactor Engine) Fuel Element and Tie Tube Arrangement
  • 22. Lunar North Polar Region
  • 23. Notional Combination Excavator and Hauler for Water Extraction and Subsequent Propellant Production on the Moon
  • 24. Combination REL and Supporting HV for Production-Class LPI Mining Operations
  • 25. Payload Elements Carried by NTR and LANTR Lunar Transfer Vehicles
  • 26. Key Elements of LANTR Lunar Transfer Vehicle System
  • 27. Reusable NTR Cargo Delivery and Crewed Lunar Landing Vehicles
  • 28. Propellant Depots in LEO and Lunar Orbit
  • 29. Conestoga Wagon
  • 30. Key Features and Dimensions of Conestoga Crewed Cargo Transport
  • 31. Conestoga Crewed Cargo Transport Mission: LEO, Outbound and LPO Operations
  • 32. Mars 2020 Rover
  • 33. Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
  • 34. Total Demand Curve for Orbital Space Tourism: Millions of People vs. $ Thousand
  • 35. Sub-Orbital Space Vehicles
  • 36. Projected Demand for SRVs Across All Markets by Year (Number)
  • 37. Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo's First Flight Above 50 Miles on December 13, 2018
  • 38. VSS Unity: The World's First Private, Crewed Spaceship Designed for Commercial Service to Take Humans to Space
  • 39. Virgin Galactic Spaceflight System
  • 40. Virgin Galactic Spacewear


  • 1. Cycles of Space Development: 1926-2033
  • 2. Space Investments by Type ($Million): 2000-2018
  • 3. Magnitude of NEA Resources ($ Trillion)
  • 4. NEA Asteroid Population
  • 5. Potential Value of NEA 3554 Amun ($ Trillion)
  • 6. Industrial Cosmochemistry
  • 7. Roles of Private Enterprise in Space
  • 8. U.S. Space Missions Utilizing Nuclear Power: 1961-2006
  • 9. Sub-Orbital Reusable Vehicle Offerings by Company