Globally, evolving work environments and shifting industry structures have changed consumer preferences in urban mobility. Cities have become more proactive about rethinking their transportation networks to make them more flexible and sustainable. Innovative solutions are necessary to meet citizens’ needs, ensure integrated and efficient transportation systems, and comply with global environmental goals. Sustainable mobility can help mitigate the challenges of rapid urbanization and increased congestion. Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) consolidates various transport modes from different providers into a single app that handles all travel matters (e.g., travel planning and payments).

As part of this research, Frost & Sullivan looks at some of the key growth opportunities in 2023 and key trends that will drive the industry in 2024. The research includes a deep dive into 9 mobility segments: traditional carsharing, peer-to-peer (P2P) carsharing, corporate carsharing, bikesharing, kick scooter sharing, ridehailing, demand responsive transit (DRT), MaaS, and autonomous shared mobility. In addition, the analysis covers top growth opportunities and trends driving eight global regions.