The Global Ice Cream Dried Mix Market reached US$ 2.2 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 3.1 billion by 2030, growing with a CAGR of 3.9% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
Consumers are increasingly looking for ice cream dried mixes with clean label ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives. Manufacturers are reformulating their products to meet these demands, influencing market choices. Premium and artisanal ice cream dried mix products are gaining popularity. These higher-priced offerings are contributing to the market’s growth by appealing to consumers seeking indulgent and gourmet experiences.
The demand for convenient food options is leading to the development of on-the-go ice cream dried mix products. These single-serving and portable options are gaining popularity, expanding the market’s growth. Manufacturers are exploring international flavors and ingredients to cater to diverse tastes. This trend is expanding the growth of the market as consumers seek unique and culturally inspired ice cream dried mix options.
Rapid population growth and urbanization in many Asian countries are leading to increased disposable incomes and changing lifestyles. As more people move to urban areas, they seek convenient dessert options like ice cream dried mixes, contributing to market expansion. Manufacturers in Asia-Pacific region have been proactive in innovating and developing flavors tailored to local tastes leading to the market’s dominance.
Growing Demand for Convenience Foods
The increasing preference for convenience foods, including ice cream, is leading to a wide expansion in the ice cream dried mix market. Consumers are looking for easy-to-prepare options, and this is creating a significant opportunity for manufacturers of the ice cream dried mix and expand the market.
The market for ice cream dried mixes has a broad geographical growth, with companies looking to expand their presence in various countries to tap into this growing demand and further drive market growth. Manufacturers are responding to the demand by introducing a wide range of ice cream dried mix products. These products cater to different tastes, dietary preferences, and nutritional requirements, further enhancing the market’s growth potential.
For instance, on April 4, 2023, True Scoops, the pioneering ice cream mix company that empowers consumers to create homemade ice cream, introduced its Kickstarter initiative, marking the launch of production for their exciting new DIY pints set to grace store shelves this upcoming summer. With a funding goal of $15,000, this campaign marks the next stage for a brand recognized for its ice cream mixes, which have become a staple in the baking aisle.
Rising Health and Wellness Trends
Consumers are becoming more conscious of their dietary choices as health and wellness trends gain prominence. This is leading to the segmentation of the ice cream dried mix market. Manufacturers are developing products for specific health-oriented consumer groups, such as those seeking low-sugar, dairy-free, and organic options. This diversification within the market allows companies to tap into different segments of health-conscious consumers.
Consumers are increasingly looking for ice cream dried mix products that contain clean label ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives in response to health concerns. Manufacturers are reformulating their products to include natural ingredients, which align with health and wellness trends. This strategy helps them capture a share of the market interested in clean and natural food products. For instance, on August 3, 2020, Amul took a step further in promoting immunity-boosting products by adding a new addition to its portfolio. The latest addition, Amul’s Haldi Ice Cream, is crafted with the goodness of turmeric (haldi), pepper, and honey, and it boasts the richness of dry fruits, including dates, almonds, and cashews.
Rising Flavor Innovations
Flavor innovations are a key driver of market growth, as manufacturers introduce a wide range of unique and exotic flavors to cater to diverse consumer preferences and are expanding the market by attracting consumers seeking novel and exciting ice cream experiences. Innovative flavors create excitement and interest among consumers and they are engaging with the market, trying new flavors and increasing brand loyalty and repeat purchases, contributing to market growth. Flavor innovations often include premium and gourmet offerings, which command higher price points. This trend towards premiumization in the ice cream dried mix market can lead to increased market value as consumers are willing to pay more for unique and indulgent flavor experiences and further expand the market.
Growing Health Concerns
Health-conscious consumers are increasingly prioritizing well-being and looking for healthier food options. This shift in consumer preferences is leading to a decrease in the consumption of traditional ice cream and ice cream-related products, impacting the ice cream dried mix market and restraining market growth. Health concerns often lead consumers to reduce their sugar and fat intake, which are common ingredients in ice cream dried mixes, creating a challenge for the market, as some consumers limit their consumption of these products. Health-conscious consumers scrutinize ingredient lists and avoid products with artificial additives, and excessive processing. Ice cream dried mixes that don’t meet clean label criteria face resistance in the market.
Increasing Competition from Ready-to-Eat Ice Cream
Ready-to-eat ice cream products provide the ultimate convenience, requiring no preparation or additional ingredients. This convenience factor can divert consumers away from ice cream dried mixes, impacting the market. As consumers seek faster and more convenient food options, the demand for ready-to-eat ice cream products has been on the rise. This shift in preferences can reduce the market share of ice cream dried mixes.
The ready-to-eat ice cream sector is gaining significant growth and leading to a saturated market with a wide variety of options making it challenging for ice cream dried mixes to compete for consumer attention. These products are available in supermarkets and online retailers. The extensive retail presence of these products makes them accessible to consumers compared to ice cream dried mixes and limits distribution channels in the market.

Segment Analysis
The global ice cream dried mix market is segmented based on category, constituent, flavor, distribution channel and region.
Consumer Preference and Tradition, Wide Product Range, Texture and Creaminess
The dairy based segment holds the largest share of the global ice cream dried mix market. Dairy based ice cream dried mixes align with the traditional and popular perception of ice cream in many markets worldwide. The dairy-based segment offers a wide range of flavors, including classic options like vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, as well as premium and exotic flavors, contributing to market dominance. Dairy based ice cream dried mixes provide essential nutrients like calcium and protein, which can be marketed as a nutritional benefit, attracting health-conscious consumers. Dairy ingredients, such as milk fat and proteins, contribute to the creamy and indulgent texture that consumers often seek in ice cream. This characteristic sets dairy-based ice cream dried mixes apart in the market.
Manufacturers are responding to consumers by developing new products in the market. For instance, on March 18, 2022, Henley Bridge introduced its ice cream creation. Pioneering the market, Henley Bridge unveils the Jersey Dairy UHT Chocolate Soft Serve, the inaugural product of its kind in the United Kingdom. This remarkable creation is the fruit of a distinctive collaborative effort.
Geographical Penetration
Large Consumer Base, Changing Consumer Preferences and Flavor Variety
Asia-Pacific region dominates the global ice cream dried mix market. The region boasts a substantial population, encompassing countries like China and India with massive consumer markets. This vast consumer base presents a significant market opportunity for ice cream dried mix manufacturers, allowing for a wide reach and potential sales growth and driving regional market growth. The region is witnessing shifting consumer preferences towards convenient and ready-to-make food products. As urbanization and hectic lifestyles become more prevalent, there is an increasing demand for easy-to-prepare ice cream products, which aligns with the market offering of ice cream dried mixes and expands market growth in the region.
Asian consumers are known for their diverse palate and affinity for unique flavors. Ice cream dried mix manufacturers are capitalizing on this trend by offering a wide range of flavors tailored to local tastes, such as matcha, lychee, and durian, which is driving market growth. Manufacturers often tailor their ice cream dried mix products to suit local preferences and dietary requirements, enhancing their market competitiveness.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The pandemic disrupted supply chains worldwide, affecting the production and distribution of ice cream dried mix products. This led to delays, shortages, and increased production costs, negatively impacting the market. Lockdowns and restrictions on dining out resulted in the closure of many restaurants and food service establishments. This reduced the demand for ice cream products in the food service sector, which is a significant market segment.
Economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic led to reduced consumer spending. As a result, some consumers cut back on non-essential purchases, including specialty dessert items, decreasing market sales. During the pandemic, health and wellness concerns led some consumers to prioritize healthier food options over indulgent desserts. This shift in preferences could reduce the demand for traditional ice cream dried mix products in the market.
However, with more people staying at home, there was an increased demand for at-home dessert options. Ice cream dried mixes offered a convenient solution for consumers looking for ice cream without leaving their homes, leading to a boost in market demand. Grocery stores and online retailers experienced a surge in sales of packaged food products during the pandemic. Ice cream dried mixes are shelf-stable products that benefited as consumers stocked up on pantry items.
Russia-Ukraine War Impact Analysis
The conflict disrupts supply chains leads to disruptions in transportation routes and affects the availability of raw materials used in ice cream dried mix production. This could lead to delays in production and distribution. Geopolitical instability can lead to economic uncertainty, which affects consumer spending patterns. A downturn in the global economy could result in reduced consumer demand for non-essential items like ice cream dried mixes.
The Russia-Ukraine war impacted international trade, including the import and export of food products. This could lead to difficulties in accessing foreign markets, affecting the market’s global reach and cost structure. However, In some cases, geopolitical events can lead to a renewed focus on regional or domestic markets. This could benefit local producers of ice cream dried mixes, as consumers prefer to support domestic brands during times of crisis.
By Category

    • Dairy Based
    • Non-Dairy Based

By Constituent

  • • Fat
    • Milk Solids
    • Sucrose
    • Emulsifiers & Stabilizers
    • Others

By Flavor

  • • Chocolate
    • Vanilla
    • Strawberry
    • Nutty
    • Others

By Distribution Channel

  • • Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
    • Convenience Stores
    • Online Sales
    • Others

By Region

  • • North America

o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico

  • • Europe

o Germany
o UK
o France
o Italy
o Russia
o Rest of Europe

  • • South America

o Brazil
o Argentina
o Rest of South America

  • • Asia-Pacific

o China
o India
o Japan
o Australia
o Rest of Asia-Pacific

  • • Middle East and Africa

Key Developments

  • • On June 14, 2023, Lakeland Dairies, the Irish cooperative, introduced a fresh addition to its Comelle brand – a vanilla-flavored vegan ice cream mix. Crafted with ingredients like coconut oil, pea protein, and rice protein, this soft-serve mix is notable for being completely free of all 14 major food allergens. It is described as "deliciously smooth," it makes delightful vegan ice cream and also be used to create rich and satisfying thick shakes.
    • In April 2021, Chozen Foods, a food company based in Kerala, India, launched the country’s first cold water ice cream mix. This unique product lineup boasts five delightful flavors: mango, butterscotch, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. Each 85g bag, affordably priced at just Rs 80, can yield up to 500 ml of creamy goodness when mixed with 150 ml of cold water.
    • In September 2020, Elmhurst introduced a modern take on soft-serve dried ice cream mix under the Elmhurst Creamery brand. This product line embodies simplicity, healthfulness, and delightful flavors, all crafted from plant-based nut and grain milk sources.

Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the ice cream dried mix market include Cargill, Incorporated, Amba Enterprise, Skyline Food Products LLP, Shanti Engineers, Top Creamery, Kwality, Kanegrade, Swiss Bake Ingredients Pvt. Ltd., A.E.C. Canning Co., Ltd., and Pregel America.
Why Purchase the Report?

  • • To visualize the global ice cream dried mix market segmentation based on category, constituent, flavor, distribution channel and region, as well as understand critical commercial assets and players.
    • Identify commercial opportunities by analyzing trends and co-development.
    • Excel data sheet with numerous ice cream dried mix market-level data points with all segments.
    • PDF report consists of a comprehensive analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth study.
    • Product mapping available as excel consisting of critical products of all the major players.

The global ice cream dried mix market report would provide approximately 69 tables, 71 figures and 186 Pages.
Target Audience 2023

  • • Manufacturers/ Buyers
    • Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
    • Research Professionals
    • Emerging Companies