Market Overview
The Global Malt Beverage Market reached US$ 6.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 13.7 billion by 2030 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
Malted drinks and malt-based beverages encompass a wide range of products that utilize malt extracts or malted grains as key ingredients. These include malted milkshakes, hot beverages, smoothies, and energy drinks. These products leverage malt’s unique flavor profile and nutritional benefits to offer consumers diverse and enjoyable drinking experiences.
The key market trends in malted beverages include the rise of non-alcoholic variants, the popularity of malt-based drinks, the versatility of malt extract as an ingredient, flavour innovation, brewing techniques and fermentation processes, the importance of natural and sustainable ingredients, and the inclusion of nutritional content and functional additives. These trends reflect the evolving consumer demands and preferences in the malted beverages market.

Market Dynamics
Rise in Premiumization and Craft Culture is Expected to Foster the Malt Beverage Industry
Premiumization involves offering high-quality products that provide consumers an elevated and exclusive experience. According to reports by Global Data, over 40% of consumers buy premium or luxury alcoholic drinks at least occasionally. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for these products that offer a unique and refined drinking experience.
Craft culture emphasizes the craftsmanship, skill, and passion behind the production of beverages. This resonates with consumers who appreciate the authenticity, attention to detail, and personalized touch that craft producers bring to their products. Craft malt beverages often cater to this consumer sentiment, appealing to those who value the artistry and dedication of small-scale producers.
Increasing Demand for Craft and Specialty Malt Beverages is Expected to Fuel the Malt Beverages Market
The malt beverages market has experienced significant growth in recent years. Craft breweries have gained popularity worldwide, and consumers are increasingly interested in unique, handcrafted beers with distinct flavors and styles. For instance, according to IWSR reports, the market share of premium or “super-premium” alcoholic drinks will grow to 13% by 2024. This growth indicates a favorable market environment for craft and specialty malt beverages.
Craft and specialty malt beverages often command a higher price point compared to mass-produced alternatives. The focus on quality ingredients, traditional brewing techniques, and unique flavor profiles contributes to the premiumization of these products. This premium positioning can lead to higher profit margins for producers, offering a favorable opportunity for growth and profitability.
Changing Perception and Stereotyping is Hampering the Malt Beverage Market Growth
Malt beverages, particularly those with a beer base, can sometimes be associated with negative stereotypes related to excessive drinking, addiction, and irresponsible behavior. These stereotypes can lead to a perception that malt beverages are solely consumed for intoxication purposes, which may deter some consumers from exploring or embracing these products.
Many consumers may have limited knowledge and understanding of the variety and potential of malt beverages. This lack of awareness about the different types, flavors, and potential benefits of malt beverages can hinder their growth as consumers may stick to familiar and mainstream options.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The COVID-19 Analysis includes Pre-COVID Scenario, COVID Scenario, and Post-COVID Scenario along with Pricing Dynamics (Including pricing change during and post-pandemic comparing it with pre-COVID scenarios), Demand-Supply Spectrum (Shift in demand and supply owing to trading restrictions, lockdown, and subsequent issues), Government Initiatives (Initiatives to revive market, sector or Industry by Government Bodies) and Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives (What manufacturers did to mitigate the COVID issues will be covered here).
Russia-Ukraine War Impact
Ukraine has historically been a transit country for Russian natural gas exports to Europe. The conflict led to concerns over energy security and disruptions in gas supplies. Disagreements between Russia and Ukraine on gas prices and transit fees have resulted in several gas disputes, leading to disruptions in supplies to Ukraine and potential spillover effects on European gas markets. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, which sparked the conflict, has had far-reaching implications for regional security and international norms on territorial integrity. The international community largely condemned the annexation, and it remains a contentious issue.

Segment Analysis
The Global Malt Beverage Market is segmented based on flavor, drink type, distribution channel, and region.
The Flavor Segment is Estimated to have Significant Growth During the Forecast Period.
Flavored malt beverages offer a wide range of taste options, catering to diverse consumer preferences. Flavors such as citrus, berry, tropical fruits, and spices add excitement and variety to the drinking experience. According to Statista, flavored malt beverages are alcoholic beverages that by regulation, must be made of 25 percent malt and 7.5 pounds of hops per 100 finished product barrels. Consumers often seek novel and unique flavors, driving the demand for flavored malt beverages.
The flavored segment is not limited to alcoholic malt beverages. Non-alcoholic flavored malt beverages, such as malted sodas or malt-based soft drinks, have become refreshing alternatives to traditional carbonated soft drinks. These non-alcoholic flavored options offer a unique flavor profile and nutritional benefits, appealing to health-conscious consumers.

Geographical Analysis
Asia Pacific is the Fastest Growing Market in The Malt Beverage Market
The Asia Pacific region is home to a large and rapidly growing population, including emerging economies such as China and India. Rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and changing lifestyles have contributed to increased consumer spending on food and beverages, including malt beverages. According to Statista, in the Alcoholic Drinks market, volume is expected to amount to 105,800.00 million liters by 2027. The market for Alcoholic Drinks market is expected to show a volume growth of 1.6% in 2024.
Malt beverages have a cultural significance in certain Asian countries, such as Japan and South Korea, where traditional malt-based drinks like "mugi-cha" and "boricha" are consumed. The presence of these traditional malt beverages, along with the growing popularity of Western-style malt beverages, contributes to the market’s growth in the region.

Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the market include Nestle S.A., Danish Royal Unibrew Group, Mondelez International, PureMalt, Van Pur S.A., Barbican, RateBeer, LLC., Monarch Custom Beverages, Harboe, and United Brands Company, Inc.
Why Purchase the Report?

  • To visualize the Global Malt Beverage Market segmentation based on flavor, drink type, distribution channel, and region and understand key commercial assets and players.
  • Identify commercial opportunities in the market by analyzing trends and co-development.
  • Excel data sheet with numerous malt beverage market-level data points with all segments.
  • The PDF report consists of a comprehensive market analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth market study.
  • Product mapping is available as Excel consists of key products of all the major market players.

The Global Malt Beverages Market Report Would Provide Approximately 61 Tables, 56 Figures And 190 Pages.
Target Audience 2023

  • Manufacturers/ Buyers
  • Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
  • Research Professionals
  • Emerging Companies