Market Overview
The Global Rose Wine Market reached US$ 3.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 4.6 billion by 2030 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period 2023-2030.
Rose wine has gained popularity among many consumers, transcending traditional gender and age stereotypes. The trend of "rose all day" has emerged, with consumers embracing ros? as a versatile and enjoyable wine choice for various occasions. The rising trend of wine consumption, particularly among millennials and younger demographics, has positively influenced the growth of the rose wine market.
The rose wine market now offers diverse styles, flavors, and grape varieties. While traditionally associated with lighter and fruit-forward profiles, a greater variety of rose wines are now available, ranging from crisp and dry to sweeter and fuller-bodied styles. Wine producers are experimenting with different grape varieties and winemaking techniques to create unique and distinct ros? offerings, catering to diverse consumer preferences.

Market Dynamics
Increase in Intake of Alcohol Among Young Adults is Driving the Market Growth of the Ros? Wine Market
Young adults, particularly millennials and Generation Z prefer lighter and more versatile alcoholic beverages. For instance, according to Ground Report, on average, 160 million people consume alcohol; out of them, 95% are male aged between 18 and 49 years. This preference aligns with the characteristics of ros? wine, which is known for its refreshing and fruit-forward nature. As young adults explore different alcoholic options, they are drawn to the approachability and vibrant flavors of ros? wine, driving its market growth.
Young adults often engage in social activities and gatherings where alcohol is consumed. Rose wine, with its trendy and Instagram-worthy appeal, has become a popular choice among this demographic. Its association with outdoor events, rooftop parties, and casual get-togethers aligns with the lifestyle and preferences of young adults, contributing to increased consumption and market growth.
Growing Disposable Income can Drive the Market Growth
As disposable income increases, consumers have more financial resources to allocate toward discretionary spending, including wine purchases. According to the Wine Institute, a San Francisco-based trade association for the California wine industry, American wine consumption increased from 1 billion gallons in 2021 to 1.1 billion gallons in 2021. Ros? wine, in comparison to some other premium wine categories, is often more affordable and accessible, making it an attractive choice for consumers with increasing disposable income.
With rising disposable income, consumers often exhibit a willingness to trade up and purchase higher-quality products, including rose wine. As consumers seek more sophisticated and premium wine options, they are willing to spend extra on premium ros? wines made from specific grape varietals or produced in renowned wine regions. This trend towards premiumization drives the market growth of ros? wine, as consumers are willing to pay higher prices for higher-quality offerings.
Competition From Other Wine Styles can Restrain the Rose Wine Market
Red and white wines are well-established and traditional wine styles that have been consumed for centuries. Consumers who strongly prefer red or white wines may be less inclined to explore ros? wines. This preference for more familiar wine styles can limit the market potential for ros? wines and create competition among different wine categories.
Some consumers may perceive ros? wine as a less prestigious or lower-quality option than red or white wine. This perception could be based on historical notions or personal biases. As a result, consumers may opt for other wine styles they perceive as superior in quality, limiting the growth of the ros? wine market.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The COVID-19 Analysis includes Pre-COVID Scenario, COVID Scenario, and Post-COVID Scenario along with Pricing Dynamics (Including pricing change during and post-pandemic comparing it with pre-COVID scenarios), Demand-Supply Spectrum (Shift in demand and supply owing to trading restrictions, lockdown, and subsequent issues), Government Initiatives (Initiatives to revive market, sector or Industry by Government Bodies) and Manufacturers Strategic Initiatives (What manufacturers did to mitigate the COVID issues will be covered here).
Russia-Ukraine War Impact
The war led to delays or restrictions in the import and export of goods, including rose wine. Trade disruptions impacted the availability of rose wine in the affected markets and potentially lead to price fluctuations. The conflict created economic instability in the region, affecting consumer purchasing power and market demand. Uncertainty and instability can lead to a decline in consumer confidence and discretionary spending, which can have a negative impact on the rose wine market. Consumers may prioritize essential goods over luxury items like wine during such uncertain times.
AI Impact
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to impact various aspects of the rose wine market, including vinification, vinification methods such as direct pressing and blending, fermentation, and aging. AI can assist in quality control during the vinification process. Machine learning algorithms can analyze data collected from various sources, such as vineyard conditions, weather patterns, and grape characteristics, to optimize the quality and consistency of rose wine production.
AI can assist in optimizing fermentation processes. By monitoring and analyzing real-time data such as temperature, pH levels, and sugar content, AI-powered systems can help winemakers control fermentation conditions more precisely, leading to improved flavor development and consistency. AI can aid in the aging and maturation process of rose wines. By analyzing historical data and sensory profiles, AI algorithms can provide recommendations on optimal aging conditions, such as temperature and humidity levels, to achieve desired flavor profiles and ensure consistent quality over time.

Segment Analysis
The Global Rose Wine Market is segmented based on product type, distribution channel, and region.
The Versatility & Refreshing Taste of Sparkling Wine has Contributed to Segment Growth.
By product type, the rose wine is classified into still wine, sparkling wine, fortified wine & vermouth.
In 2022, sparkling wine held the highest share in the rose wine market. Sparkling wine, including sparkling ros?, is often associated with celebrations, special occasions, and festive gatherings. Its effervescence and elegant appearance make it a popular choice for toasting and creating a sense of luxury and indulgence. For instance, according to Forbes, the world now produces 2.5 billion bottles of sparkling wines.
The pink hue of sparkling ros? wine adds an element of visual appeal, making it visually enticing to consumers. The attractive color distinguishes it from other sparkling wine options and adds to the overall sensory experience. Sparkling ros? wine is versatile when it comes to food pairing. Its acidity and effervescence make it a suitable companion for many cuisines and dishes, including seafood, salads, light meats, and desserts. This versatility has contributed to its growing popularity among wine enthusiasts.

Geographical Analysis
North America is the Fastest Growing Market in the Rose Wine Market
There has been a notable increase in consumer demand for ros? wine in North America. For instance, according to IWSR Drinks Market Analysis, Sparkling ros? wine volume in the U.S. climbed by 118 percent in 2020. This can be attributed to changing consumer preferences, shifting away from traditional wine choices, and embracing the light, refreshing, and versatile characteristics of ros?. The trend of "ros? all day" has gained popularity, with consumers incorporating ros? wine into various occasions and social gatherings.
There has been a cultural shift in North America, with a growing appreciation for wine and a desire for more diverse and experiential drinking options. Millennials and younger consumers, in particular, have shown a strong affinity for ros? wine, perceiving it as trendy. The rise of wine culture and the influence of social media have further fueled the popularity of ros? wine.

Competitive Landscape
The major global players in the market include Domaine de Cala, Chateaux de Lastours, Campuget, Blossom Hill, Tesco, Echo Falls, Bna Wine Group, Chapoutier, Maison Louis Jadot, and Penny Johnson Flowers
Why Purchase the Report?

    • To visualize the Global Rose Wine Market segmentation based on product type, distribution channel, and region and understand key commercial assets and players.
    • Identify commercial opportunities in the market by analyzing trends and co-development.
    • Excel data sheet with numerous data points of the rose wine market-level with all segments.
    • The PDF report consists of a comprehensive market analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and an in-depth market study.
    • Product mapping is available as Excel consists of key products of all the major market players.

The Global Rose Wine Market Report Would Provide Approximately 53 Tables, 48 Figures, And 190 Pages.
Target Audience 2023

  • • Manufacturers/ Buyers
    • Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
    • Research Professionals
    • Emerging Companies