Market Overview
The global cloud orchestration market reached US$ XX million in 2022 and is projected to record significant growth by reaching up to US$ XX million by 2030 and growing at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period (2023-2030).
Cloud orchestration refers to the automation of the management and deployment of cloud resources, such as virtual machines, networks and storage. It enables the coordination of multiple cloud services and resources to work together in a coordinated way, typically through the use of templates or scripts. This can include scaling, provisioning and monitoring resources and managing dependencies between different cloud-based infrastructure components. The goal of cloud orchestration is to simplify the management of cloud resources and improve the efficiency and scalability of cloud deployments.

Market Dynamics
Cloud orchestration solutions allow organizations to manage their cloud resources more efficiently, reducing costs and increasing flexibility. The growing adoption of hybrid cloud environments, which combine on-premises and cloud-based resources, is also driving the demand for cloud orchestration solutions. Hybrid cloud environments require tools to manage and automate the coordination of resources across multiple cloud providers.
As more businesses move sensitive data and workloads to the cloud, there is a growing need for solutions that can help ensure compliance with industry regulations and secure cloud-based resources. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as automation, AI and machine learning, are driving the growth of the cloud orchestration market as they enable more advanced and efficient management of cloud resources.
Increased adoption of cloud computing in several industries drives the growth of the global market
Cloud orchestration solutions allow organizations to easily scale and deploy cloud resources as their business needs change, which is particularly important in rapidly growing industries such as technology and e-commerce. Cloud orchestration solutions can help organizations reduce costs by automating the management and deployment of cloud resources, which is particularly important in cost-sensitive industries such as healthcare and finance. Cloud orchestration solutions can help organizations quickly respond to changes in the market or new business opportunities by automating the deployment and scaling of cloud resources, which is particularly important in fast-moving industries such as media and entertainment. Cloud orchestration solutions can help organizations manage and automate large amounts of data processing and storage, which is particularly important in data-intensive industries such as research and analytics.
Therefore, the increased adoption of cloud computing across a wide range of industries has created a need for tools to manage and automate the deployment and scaling of cloud resources, driving the growth of the global cloud orchestration market.
Lack of technical skill personnel for effective cloud orchestration hampers the global cloud orchestration market
Organizations that lack personnel with the necessary technical skills may struggle to implement and configure cloud orchestration solutions, which can slow down or even prevent the adoption of these solutions. Without personnel with the necessary technical skills, organizations may be unable to fully utilize the capabilities of cloud orchestration solutions, which can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs. Organizations that lack personnel with the necessary technical skills may struggle to optimize the performance of cloud orchestration solutions, which can lead to poor performance and reduced scalability.
Furthermore, the lack of technical skill and personnel for effective cloud orchestration can make it difficult for organizations to implement and effectively use these solutions, which can hamper the growth of the global cloud orchestration market. This may be particularly true for small and medium-sized businesses that do not have the resources to hire or train the necessary technical skills personnel.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The impact of COVID-19 on the global cloud orchestration market has been significant. The pandemic has bolstered the shift to online business and remote work, driving demand for cloud-based solutions, including cloud orchestration. The shift to remote work has increased demand for cloud-based services such as collaboration tools, online storage and virtual meetings. This has led to increased adoption of cloud orchestration solutions as businesses look to manage and automate the deployment and scaling of these resources.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations have had to quickly adapt to remote work and digitalization, increasing the need for cloud orchestration solutions to manage and automate these processes. Cloud orchestration solutions have helped organizations ensure business continuity by automating the deployment and scaling of cloud resources, enabling them to respond quickly to changes in demand and keep operations running smoothly during the pandemic. With the economic downturn caused by COVID-19, organizations are looking for ways to reduce costs. Cloud orchestration solutions can help by automating the management and deployment of cloud resources, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote work and online business, driving demand for cloud-based solutions, including cloud orchestration. As organizations adapt to the new normal, the demand for cloud orchestration solutions will likely continue to grow.

Segment Analysis
The global cloud orchestration market is segmented based on deployment, services, organization size, end-user and region.
Ability to invest big in security requirements and data processing, the large enterprise organization size dominates the global market
The organization size that dominates the global cloud orchestration market is large enterprises. Large enterprises are more likely to adopt cloud orchestration solutions for many reasons. Large enterprises tend to have more complex IT environments and require advanced solutions to manage and automate their cloud resources. Large enterprises have larger budgets and can afford to invest in advanced solutions like cloud orchestration. These enterprises are more likely to have compliance and security requirements that need to be met and cloud orchestration solutions can help them manage and automate these requirements.
Large enterprises tend to have more data to process and store and cloud orchestration solutions can help them manage and automate these tasks. Therefore, large enterprises dominate the global cloud orchestration market as they are more likely to adopt and invest in these solutions due to their complex IT environments, larger budgets, compliance and security requirements and data processing and storage needs.

Geographical Analysis
The global cloud orchestration market is segmented based on deployment, services, organization size, end-user and region.
Owing to the presence of large technology companies in the region bolsters the growth of the North American cloud orchestration market
North America is home to the world’s largest technology companies and many early adopters of new technologies, making it a leading market for cloud orchestration solutions. The region has a well-established IT infrastructure, many technically skilled personnel and a high adoption rate of cloud services.
North America has a high adoption rate of cloud services, which drives the demand for cloud orchestration solutions. The region is home to some of the world’s largest technology companies, which are major players in the cloud orchestration market. North America has a large IT spending, which drives the growth of the cloud orchestration market and a large number of technically skilled personnel, which drives the growth of the cloud orchestration market.
Therefore, North America dominates the global cloud orchestration market due to its high adoption of cloud services, presence of major players, high IT spending and skilled workforce.
Global Cloud Orchestration Market Competitive Landscape
The global cloud orchestration market is highly competitive, with many players offering various solutions. The leading companies in the market are focusing on developing new and advanced technologies to gain a competitive edge. The competition in the local and global markets is very high, so the primary focus areas include product launches, collaborations, strategic mergers and acquisitions. The key players in the market are IBM Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Oracle Corporation, Cisco Systems, inc., Vmware, Inc., Computer Sciences Corporation, Red Hat, Inc., Servicenow Inc. and BMC Software.
IBM Corporation
Overview: The International Business Machines Corporation, also known as Big Blue, is a multinational technology company with its corporate headquarters in Armonk, New York. The company’s main product lines include hardware, software, consulting and IT services. With operations in 175 countries, IBM has about 350,000 employees. To service its 5,200 clients, which include 95% of the Fortune 500, the company has a substantial network of 80,000 business partners. Despite being a B2B company, IBM has a considerable external impact. The company’s solutions include automation, Data & AI, Infrastructure, Security, Industry and Sustainability. The company serves the Americas, Europe Middle East, Africa (EMEA) and Asia-Pacific.
Product Portfolio:
5725-H28 IBM Cloud Orchestrator V2.5: The IT Operations teams can build a cloud delivery platform with IBM Cloud Orchestrator’s comprehensive cloud management platform, which speeds up service delivery while maintaining enterprise-level control and governance over IT services. Because Cloud Orchestrator is based on the OpenStack architecture, users are not forced to use a single vendor.
Cloud Orchestrator V2.5 brings enhancements in several areas, including:

    • Organizations can improve their OpenStack infrastructure with IT process orchestration and self-service capabilities owing to the management of external OpenStack environments.
    • Full support for the Heat APIs in OpenStack
    • Streamlined setup and configuration processes for quick time to value
    • Support for public clouds from Microsoft Azure

Key Development: On October 28, 2022, IBM announced the release of version 2.4 of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation. Automation version 2.4 are designed to lower OPEX for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Three important new features are included in this release: multicloud SD-WAN automation, multi-tenancy mode and a new design tool for designing network features and services.
Why Purchase the Report?

  • • To visualize the global cloud orchestration market segmentation based on deployment, services, organization size, end-user and region, as well as understand key commercial assets and players.
    • Identify commercial opportunities in the global cloud orchestration market by analyzing trends and co-development.
    • Excel data sheet with numerous data points of cloud orchestration market-level with all segments.
    • PDF report consisting of cogently put together market analysis after exhaustive qualitative interviews and in-depth market study.
    • Product mapping available as excel consisting of key products of all the major market players.

The global cloud orchestration market report would provide approximately 69 tables, 72 figures and 210 Pages.
Target Audience 2023

  • • Manufacturers/ Buyers
    • Industry Investors/Investment Bankers
    • Research Professionals
    • Emerging Companies