Test and measurement (T&M) solutions provide the necessary verification for defense systems to work at their most optimal state. The United States Department of Defense (US DoD) has increasingly prioritized T&M as an essential component of its transition toward a digitalized military.
In this study, Frost & Sullivan provides an overview of the DoD's T&M spending, highlighting key growth drivers, restraints, and opportunities.

The study also outlines the Department’s most relevant contracts and budget items and some up-and-coming companies. Among the persisting challenges facing the market include the potential inaccuracy of digital testing systems and the DoD’s strong adaptability culture that can halt innovation in the field.

Software-based T&M is a key trend that the US DoD is trying to follow, with the intent of contributing to its own Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) strategy. In this sense, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a valuable asset that is being incorporated into T&M systems.