The rapidly growing space industry has created new opportunities that will generate value from the use of space. The commercial space station industry is one such promising field that is now under development, by providing important services, such as astronauts and human habitation services, microgravity research, in-space manufacturing, and space tourism. This helps develop the rapidly evolving low-Earth orbit (LEO) economy further. Over the decades, the ISS has served as a crucial space station for many nations. Now that it is nearing the end of its useful life, the commercial space industry has risen to take its place. Many governments are working on their own space station capabilities that will enable them to further their objectives in the ever-changing LEO economy. Countries do not want to lose out on scientific advancements, innovations, and potential revenue-generating opportunities. These motivations contribute to driving the need for a commercial space station market. This research covers the emerging commercial space station market, covering the past, present and future efforts made by national space stations, its landscape, and key factors that will impact the market. The study also highlights key service areas, as well as drivers and restraints. Finally, the study points out some growth opportunities for the near term and the long term.

Key Issues Addressed
  • What are the key drivers and restraints affecting the industry?
  • Who are the key market participants?
  • What is the historical, current, and future overview of space stations?
  • What is the current commercial space station landscape?
  • What are the key factors that will affect the space station market?
  • How will commercial space stations meet the sustainability development goals (SDGs)?
  • What are the growth opportunities?