The global vehicle-to-grid market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 38.7% during 2023-2030. This report on global vehicle-to-grid market report provides holistic understanding of the market along with market sizing, forecast, drivers, challenges, and competitive landscape. The report presents a clear picture of the global vehicle-to-grid market by segmenting the market based on solution type, vehicle type, charging type, application and region. Also, detailed profiles of companies operating in the vehicle-to-grid market are provided in this report. We believe that this report will aid the professionals and industry stakeholders in making informed decision.

Market Drivers
• Growing Investment and Demand for Electric Vehicles
• Rising Governments’ Initiatives to promote the adoption of EVs

Market Challenges
• High Initial Cost
• Lack in Investments

Historical & Forecast Period

Base Year: 2022
Historical Period: 2018-2022
Forecast Period: 2023-2030

Market by Solution Type
• Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
• Smart Meters
• Home Energy Management (HEM) Systems
• Software Solutions

Market by Vehicle Type
• Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
• Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV)
• Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

Market by Charging Type
• Unidirectional Charging
• Bidirectional Charging

Market by Application
• Peak Power Sales
• Spinning Reserves
• Base Load Power
• Others

Market by Region
• Europe
   - Germany
   - United Kingdom
   - France
   - Italy
   - Spain
   - Russia
   - Netherlands
   - Rest of Europe
• North America
   - United States
   - Canada
• Asia Pacific
   - China
   - Japan
   - India
   - South Korea
   - Australia
   - Indonesia
   - Rest of Asia Pacific
• Latin America
   - Mexico
   - Brazil
   - Argentina
   - Rest of Latin America
• Middle East & Africa
   - Saudi Arabia
   - Turkey
   - Iran
   - United Arab Emirates
   - Rest of Middle East & Africa