The global tactical UAV market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 13.2% during 2023-2030. This report on global tactical UAV market report provides holistic understanding of the market along with market sizing, forecast, drivers, challenges, and competitive landscape. The report presents a clear picture of the global tactical UAV market by segmenting the market based on type, application, and region. Also, detailed profiles of companies operating in the tactical UAV market are provided in this report. We believe that this report will aid the professionals and industry stakeholders in making informed decision.

Market Drivers
• Increasing Technological Developments
• Growing Inclination for Modern Warfare Techniques

Market Challenges
• Shortage of Skilled & Trained Workforces
• Several Issues Associated with the Acceptance of UAVs Politically and Socially

Historical & Forecast Period

Base Year: 2022
Historical Period: 2018-2022
Forecast Period: 2023-2030

Market by Type
• Close-Range
• Short-Range
• Medium-Range
• Medium-Range Endurance
• Low-Altitude Deep Penetration
• Low-Altitude Long-Endurance

Market by Application
• Military
• Law Enforcement
• Civil
• Commercial

Market by Region
• Europe
   - Germany
   - United Kingdom
   - France
   - Italy
   - Spain
   - Russia
   - Netherlands
   - Rest of Europe
• North America
   - United States
   - Canada
• Asia Pacific
   - China
   - Japan
   - India
   - South Korea
   - Australia
   - Indonesia
   - Rest of Asia Pacific
• Latin America
   - Mexico
   - Brazil
   - Argentina
   - Rest of Latin America
• Middle East & Africa
   - Saudi Arabia
   - Turkey
   - Iran
   - Rest of Middle East & Africa