The Global Aerospace & Defense industry has been on a roll as of-late with defense spending on a clear upswing amid a rapid evolution of traditional world order owing to radical geopolitical changes. Russian resurgence and rapid Chinese military ascension have effectively led to a return to great power competition spearheaded by innovative, disruptive & next generation technologies. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has sent shock waves across the entire Eastern Europe, which along with the looming Chinese threat over the Asia-Pacific region, is likely to further spike up defense spending across these regions and most other parts of the globe over near term.
Military helicopters have been at the forefront of this renewed phase of defense budgetary resurgence globally as a large proportion of the global in-service military helicopter fleet actually dates back to the cold war era and has limited capabilities when compared against the rapid evolution of the overall threat spectrum & scenarios. Several new contracts for military helicopters have been awarded as of late by nations across the globe as part of their fleet recapitalization & modernization plans.
The realignment of U.S. defense spending, which is now pivoted towards competing with near peer adversaries and maintaining its traditional overmatch over adversaries, has accelerated the pace of replacement & modernization of ageing defense equipment with the award of several new defense contract awards over the recent years and many more coming up along with focus on rapid development of game changer technologies. The U.S. defense budget has registered one of its biggest increases for the year 2022 and has reached the $768 billion level providing significant growth opportunities to the industry going forward.
In the U.S. market, the JMR-FVL program is going to be critical for the industry OEMs; especially Bell & Sikorsky, which are locked in a pitched battle for the same; for long term growth given the huge scale & scope of the program apart from the technological leap in capabilities it is going to provide under the FLRAA and FARA phases of the strategic program. Airbus & Leonardo are likely to make the most of emerging growth opportunities across the EU going forward with the U.S. based OEMs, namely, Boeing & Sikorsky likely to fill niche segment requirements as shown by the selection of CH-53K Super Stallion by Israel while the German door for procurement of heavy transport helicopters is still open for Boeing & Sikorsky going forward and they will have to really slug it out for the coveted entry.
Against this backdrop, the report analyzes and provides critical insights into key industry, market & technology trends likely to shape the future of the Global Military Helicopter Market over near to medium term followed by outlining of emerging, potential growth opportunities.
Relevance & Usefulness: The report will be useful for:
- - Strategic Planning & Decision-Making process
- - Identification of & Insights into Potential Growth Opportunities & Avenues
- - Market Evolution & Demand Growth Projections
- - Assessing potential impact of emerging Market Trends & Developments
- - Contingency planning for current Strategies & Programs
- - Identifying & highlighting areas for making potential Strategic Changes, Adjustments & Realignment
- - Analysis of Key Industry Trends, Issues & Challenges, Risk Factors & Market Outlook for 2022
For Whom:
The report would be quintessential for those having strategic interest & stakes in the Global Military Helicopter market. The report will be extremely useful for Key Decision-Makers, Program Managers, Global Procurement Managers, Defense Contracting Executives & Departments, Top Management of Industry Players & Other Companies, Industry OEMs, Suppliers, Vendors, Associated Equipment Manufacturers and other Key Players in the Industry Value Chain. The report will also be useful for existing & potential Investors, Industry & Company Analysts, M&A Advisory Firms, Strategy & Management Consulting Firms, PE Firms, Venture Capitalists, Financing & Leasing Companies, Researchers and all those associated with the industry/sector. The report is comprehensive yet concise & compact at the same time; is custom-built for meetings & presentations, being built on the Microsoft PowerPoint platform; in addition, to being a ready self-reckoner as well as a quick reference guide driving, enabling & ensuring prompt and informed decision making.