Future of 5G - Technology could Advance Global Economy and Society after COVID-19


Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, global 5G deployment was increasing with governments seeking to get ahead and take advantage of the emerging technology. The technology is currently still in its infancy and deployment has only recently taken off. However, following the building of necessary infrastructure and trailing the network in these early stages countries will be well versed to reap the benefits of the technology in the coming years.

Key Highlights

  • Before the outbreak of COVID-19 5G deployment was becoming increasingly popular across the world with governments seeking to get ahead of the curve with the emerging technology.
  • The immediate benefits of 5G are minimal with the technology still in its infancy and deployment only recently taking off. However, through building the necessary infrastructure and trialing the network in these early stages countries will be well versed to reap the benefits of the technology in the coming years.
  • Emerging technology which will be powered by 5G has been coined the fourth industrial revolution by experts with potentially huge economic advances coming as a result. Technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, robotics, cloud computing, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), 3D printing and drones will help transform business internationally. Through powering a variety of industries these advancements will help increase efficiency and enhance competitiveness in the global economy.
  • Widespread advanced 5G networks would not merely be an economic tool boosting the economy but would have a range of social benefits in both the developed and developing world. Improved health, education and wellbeing as well as enhanced infrastructure and sustainable industrialization would help benefit societies across the globe and could be made possible through 5G. The emergence of smart cities as well as better connected remote areas will help provide benefits to both urban and rural life.


  • Learn what benefits 5G might have
  • See how the technology could push progress faster connections could change the way that people work
  • Understand the multiple advantages for many global regions
  • See who are the leading countries and companies for this technology

Reasons To Buy

  • Who are the leading players in 5G technology?
  • What countries are pushing rapid 5G development?
  • What are the major benefits of 5G?
  • What other industries could gain from faster networks?