The sophistication of cyber threats, the growing attack surface, and the cybersecurity talent shortage are the strongest drivers of demand for managed security services. In addition, there is an overdue need for organizations to transform their security practices. An outsider with experience serving multiple clients across several verticals is well-positioned to assist organizations in strengthening their security posture.

Our research highlights that despite the robust market demand, providers must evolve to remain vibrant. MSS providers must continuously innovate to gain a competitive edge both from technological and marketing perspectives. In this regard, we recognize the growing trend of managed security services being repackaged as customer self-service offerings. At the same time, providers that have historically concentrated on professional security services are increasingly offering managed security services as well.

The Frost Radar reveals the market positioning of companies in an industry using their Growth and Innovation scores as highlighted in the Frost Radar methodology. The document presents competitive profiles on each of the companies in the Frost Radar based on their strengths, opportunities, and a small discussion on their positioning. We analyze hundreds of companies in the industry and benchmarks them across 10 criteria on the Frost Radar, where the leading companies in the industry are then positioned. Industry leaders on both the Growth and Innovation indices are recognized as best practice recipients.