Overall, the European Dental Fixture and Final Abutment market was valued at around ?1.2 billion in 2019. This is expected to increase over the forecast period at a CAGR of 2.7% to reach ?1.4 billion.
The market for Dental Bone Graft Market is expected to grow based on aging population and increased awareness of improved aesthetics. Market limiters include the lenghty process of dental implant treatment, high cost, and possible alternative options.
While this report suite contains all applicable market data, each of the markets are also available as stand alone MedCore reports. This allows you to get access to only the specific market segment research that you need. You can view all these included reports and segmentation here:
- EU Market for Dental Implant and Final Abutment Overview 2019 - MedView -Gives an easily accessible view of all dental implant device markets and trends and aggregates the data together for a picture of the total EU market.
- EU Procedure Numbers for Dental Implant and Final Abutment 2019 - MedPro - Using a number of databases, internal and external, we’re able to provide you with the total volume of dental implanty and ablation procedures being performed for each of the markets mentioned in this suite of reports.
- EU Market Report for Dental Implant Fixtures Market 2019 - MedCore -The dental implant fixture market is segmented into premium, value, discount and mini implant products.
- EU Market Report for Final Abutment Market for Europe 2019 - MedCore -Further segmented in terms of production method: stock, custom-cast and CAD/CAM.
- EU Market Report for Treatment Planning Suture Market 2019 - MedCore - This market is segmented by CAD/CAM systems, rapid prototyping systems and imaging software.
- EU Market Report for Surgical Guide Market for Europe 2019 - MedCore - Surgical guides are designed via 3D imaging of the patient’s dental anatomy and allow for dentists to plan the ideal implant placement and angulation.
Buying all of these reports together in this suite package will provide you with substantial discounts from the separate prices. Request Pricing to Learn More
- Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Value & Growth Trends
- 10 Year Scope
- Market Drivers & Limiters for Each Segment
- Competitive Analysis with Market Shares for Each Segment
- Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
- Disease Overviews and Demographic Information
- Company Profiles, Product Portfolios and SWOT for Top Competitors
- Related Press Releases from Top Competitors
Straumann led the European dental implant fixture and final abutment markets , and is forecasted to continue its strong growth going forward. Dentsply Sirona held a competitive position across all segments, followed by Nobel Biocare. The remainder of the market is made up of smaller, primarily value and discount implant producers.
The full report suite on the European market for dental implant fixtures and final abutments includes dental implant fixtures, final abutments, treatment planning software and surgical guides.