Competitor Analysis: Bispecific Antibodies for Immuno-Oncology & Other Diseases

This Competitive Intelligence report about Bispecific Antibodies for Immuno-Oncology & Other Diseases evaluates the landscape of investigational bispecific therapeutic antibodies for treatment of cancer, inflammatory & autoimmune diseaseas as well as cardiometabolic, infectious, neurologic and ophthalmic diseases as of June 2019.

At present, only two bispecific therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are on the market, one for leukemia and one for hemophilia. La Merie Publishing conducted a search for bispecific monoclonal antibodies (and some multimeric proteins) in R&D. The search identified 271 unique bispecific antibody-based constructs in active R&D (excluding discontinued developments of bispecifics). Of the 110 clinical stage bispecific antibodies, 50% are used for redirection of T-cells to a tumor target. More than 85% of the clinical stage bispecific molecules are in development for treatment of cancer. The combination of immune checkpoint inhibitor and/or activator targets is a strongly emerging use of the bispecific antibody technology. The traditonal application of bispecifics for targeting two tumor-associated antigens (or epitopes) and/or growth factors is a field with strong clinical activities, but the non-clinical pipeline is relatively empty compared with immuno-oncology bispecifics (11 vs 48 projects).

The report highlights the use of bispecific antibody technology for generation of
  • T-Cell Redirecting Bispecific Antibodies
  • Bispecific Natural Killer (NK) Cell Redirecting Antibodies
  • Bispecific T-Cell Engaging, Conditional Costimulatory Antibodies
  • Bispecific Immuno-Oncology Antibodies
  • Bispecific Tumor Associated Antigen (TAA) / Growth Factor Targeted Antibodies
  • Bispecific Antibodies for Non-Cancer Indications
The report includes a compilation of currently active projects in research and development of bispecific therapeutic antibodies in cancer and non-cancer indications. Competitor projects are listed in a tabular format providing information on:
  • Drug Codes,
  • Target / Mechanism of Action,
  • Class of Compound,
  • Company,
  • Product Category,
  • Indication,
  • R&D Stage and
  • additional comments with a hyperlink leading to the source of information.
About Competitor Analysis Series:

The Competitor Analysis Series delivers NO-FRILLS, but concise information about the pipeline of R&D projects for targets, diseases, technologies and companies. The information is provided in a tabular format and fully referenced.