Most Sub-Saharan cities are forecast to grow fast, in some cases doubling in size (in terms of consumer spending) in just a decade. However, even with such fast-paced growth they will still remain modest consumer markets by any developed market standards. At the same time, the region’s most-developed and high-income consumer markets will remain concentrated in Israel and the Gulf area.
Strategy Briefings offer unique insight into emerging trends world-wide. Aimed squarely at strategists and planners, they draw on Euromonitor International’s vast information resources to give top line insight across markets and within consumer segments. Written by some of our most experienced analysts, they are designed as provocations for senior management to use in their own forum, allowing them to stand back and reflect on the behaviour and motivation driving global markets today and tomorrow
Product coverage: <|Products|>
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
Why buy this report?br>• Identify factors driving change now and in the future
- Understand motivation
- Forward-looking outlook
- Briefings and presentation should provoke lively discussion at senior level
- Take a step back from micro trends
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