Report Scope:
Finding the right career path is one of the biggest challenges in every person’s life. We want to make sure we make the right choices and decisions concerning our future employment opportunities. And it’s no longer a one-time decision. Employment conditions and opportunities are not constantly evolving and this requires us to update our skill set and knowledge base on a continual basis.

This analysis of current and emerging trends in the market can be helpful in making the right decision based on your personality, education and other skills. In our dynamic and constantly evolving world, in order to succeed, a person needs to understand what potential future directions the job market might take and how novel technologies will affect the need to change one’s career track or train for a new career path.

Trends described below will help readers navigate the evolving biotech market to choose the right direction.

Immuno-oncology, a Future in Cancer Treatment

It is obvious that the immune approach to treat cancer or so-called cancer immunotherapy has become “the next big thing.” Recent drug development trends show that immunotherapy can be more effective and efficient than traditional chemotherapies.

Cancer immunotherapy/immuno-oncology is defined as artificial stimulation of the immune system to treat cancer, thus improving one’s natural ability to fight this disease. This approach exploits the fact that cancer cells have specific tumor antigens that can be detected by the antibody proteins of the immune system. Normal antibodies bind to external pathogens; however, modified immunotherapy antibodies bind to the tumor antigens. This helps the immune system to inhibit or kill cancer cells.

Repot Includes:

  • An overview of the emerging and growing trends in life science/biotech industry as potential career track
  • Why understanding CRISPR technology can be an important skill in career development
  • Information on genomics data management and its role in creating jobs for genomics and genetics specialized students
  • Coverage of artificial intelligence and drug discovery job market
  • Insights of nanotechnology applications and evaluation of their role in biomedical engineering jobs
  • List of potential career pathways for biotech/pharma professionals