Table of Content

Product Description
World Trade Analysis
- Values, quantities and prices
- Price Ranges
- Importing Countries (Markets)
- Exporting Countries (Competitors)
- Forecasts
Markets Analysis:
- Major 19 Importing Countries
Competitors Analysis:
- Major 20 Exporting Countries

List of Figures

- Major Importing and Exporting Countries (2019)
- Evolution of International Trade: International Trade Value
- Evolution of International Trade: International Trade Quantity at constant prices
- Evolution of International Trade: Prices of International Trade Flows (2010=100)
- Evolution of International Trade: Forecast of International trade
- Analysis of Markets: Imports Value (million dollars, 2019)
- Analysis of Markets: Imports per-capita (dollars, 2019)
- Analysis of Markets: Imports Change in Value 2020-2022 (million dollars)
- Exports Levels: Exports Value (million dollars, 2019)

For every relevant market:
- Market Dynamics: Value of Imports
- Market Dynamics: Quantity of Imports at constant prices
- Market Dynamics: Average Price of Imports (2010=100)
- Market Prospects: Imports Forecast
- Competitors on the market: Export value (million dollars, 2019)

For every relevant competitor:
- Dynamics of Foreign Sales: Exports in Value
- Dynamics of Foreign Sales: Exports in Quantity at constant prices
- Dynamics of Foreign Sales: Average Price of Exports (2010=100)
- Foreign Sales Prospect: Exports Forecast
- Market Portfolio: Imports Value (million dollars, 2019)


List of Tables

- Bilateral Flows: dollars (million), 2019
- Evolution of International Trade: Values and Quantities
- Major Importing Countries
- Major Exporting Countries

For every relevant market:
- Market Dynamics: Values and Quantities
- Major Exporting Countries

For every relevant competitor:
- Dynamics of Foreign Sales: Value and Quantity
- Main Sales Markets