Table of Content

1. Overview of Carbon Fiber
1.1 Definition and Properties
1.2 Process Flow
1.3 Classification
1.4 Application
1.5 Technical Level
1.6 Industry Chain

2. Global Carbon Fiber Market
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Supply and Demand
2.2.1 Supply
2.2.2 Demand
2.3 Competitive Landscape
2.3.1 Carbon Fiber
2.3.2 PAN-based Carbon Fiber
2.3.3 Pitch-based Carbon Fiber
2.4 Production Technology and Equipment
2.5 Status Quo of Patents
2.6 Cost and Price
2.7 Development Trend

3. Chinese Carbon Fiber Market
3.1 Policy
3.2 Status Quo
3.3 Supply and Demand
3.3.1 Supply
3.3.2 Demand
3.4 Industrial Layout
3.5 Competitive Landscape
3.6 Production Equipment
3.7 Price
3.8 Technical Level
3.9 Import & Export
3.9.1 Carbon Fiber
3.9.2 Carbon Fiber Prepreg
3.9.3 Other Carbon Fiber Products
3.10 Development Trend

4. Carbon Fiber Composites
4.1 Market Size
4.2 Market Structure
4.2.1 Carbon Fiber Composites
4.2.2 Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
4.3 Cost Structure
4.4 Status Quo of Patents
4.5 Current Competition

5. Upstream and Downstream Industry Chains
5.1 Upstream Carbon Fiber Precursor
5.1.1 Global
5.1.2 China
5.2 Downstream Applications
5.2.1 Aviation & Aerospace
5.2.2 Automobile
5.2.3 Wind Power
5.2.4 Sport & Leisure
5.2.5 Others

6. Key Overseas Companies
6.1 Toray
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.1.4 Business in China
6.2 Teijin
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.2.4 Business in China
6.3 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.4 Kureha
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.4.4 Business in China
6.5 Hexcel
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.6 Solvay
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.7 SGL Carbon
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.8 Formosa Plastics
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Carbon Fiber Business
6.9 Others
6.9.1 Hyosung
6.9.2 Taekwang
6.9.3 AKSACA

7. Carbon Fiber Manufacturers in Mainland China
7.1 Jiangsu Hengshen
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Customers and Suppliers
7.1.4 Carbon Fiber Business
7.2 Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Customers and Suppliers
7.2.4 Carbon Fiber Business
7.3 Fangda Carbon New Material
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 R&D
7.3.4 Carbon Fiber Business
7.4 Jiangsu Kangde Xin Composite Material Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 R&D
7.4.4 Carbon Fiber Business
7.5 Jilin Carbon
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Carbon Fiber Business
7.6 KingfaSci.&Tech
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Carbon Fiber Business
7.7 Jiyan High-tech Fibers
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Carbon Fiber Business
7.8 Jiangsu Tianniao High Technology
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.9 Jiangsu Hangke Composites Technology
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Carbon Fiber Business
7.10 Sinofibers Technology
7.10.1 Profile
7.10.2 Operation
7.10.3 Carbon Fiber Business
7.11 Weihai Guangwei Composites
7.11.1 Profile
7.11.2 Operation
7.12 Others
7.12.1 Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber
7.12.2 WeihaiTuozhan Fiber
7.12.3 HNEC Yongmei Carbon Fiber
7.12.4 Shenyang Zhongheng New Materials
7.12.5 Xingke Holdings
7.12.6 Shanghai Petrochemical
7.12.7 BluestarFibres
7.12.8 Jiaxing Sinodia Carbon Fiber
7.12.9 Zhejiang Jingye Biochemical

List of Tables

Lightweight Properties of Carbon Fiber
History of Carbon Fiber Industry
Production Process of PAN-based Carbon Fiber
Heat Treatment Process of PAN-based Carbon Fiber
Classification of Carbon Fiber by Type
Classification of PAN-based Carbon Fiber by Performance
Performance Comparison of Different Carbon Fibers
Carbon Fiber Industry Chain
Global Carbon Fiber Market Size and Growth Rate, 2013-2025E
Global Carbon Fiber Capacity and Growth Rate, 2009-2019
Global Carbon Fiber Capacity Structure (by Product), 2018
Global Carbon Fiber Capacity Structure (by Country/Region), 2018
Global PAN-based Carbon Fiber Capacity Structure (by Country/Region), 2018
Global Carbon Fiber Demand and Growth Rate, 2011-2025E
Global Carbon Fiber Demand Structure (by Region), 2018
Global Carbon Fiber Demand Structure (by Applications), 2018
Global Carbon Fiber Demand Structure (by Products), 2018
Three Echelons of Global Carbon Fiber Production Enterprises
Capacity Structure of Global Carbon Fiber Producers, 2018
Market Share of Global PAN-based Carbon Fiber (Small Tow) Enterprises, 2018
Market Share of Global PAN-based Carbon Fiber (Large Tow) Enterprises, 2018
Number of Global Carbon Fiber Patents, 2008-2018
Numerical Structure of Global Carbon Fiber Patents (by Region), 2018
Carbon Fiber Production Process and Cost
Average Selling Price of Global Carbon Fiber, 2007-2019
Recycling Carbon Fiber Recycling Process of RCF
China’s Carbon Fiber Market Size, 2015-2025E
China’s Carbon Fiber Capacity, 2015-2025E
China’s Carbon Fiber Production, 2012-2025E
China’s Carbon Fiber Production Structure (by Product), 2018
China’s Carbon Fiber Localization Rate, 2013-2025E
China’s Carbon Fiber Demand and Growth Rate, 2011-2025E
China’s Carbon Fiber Demand as a Percentage of Global Demand, 2011-2025E
China’s Carbon Fiber Demand Structure (by Applications), 2018
China’s Carbon Fiber Demand Structure (by Province/Municipality), 2018
TOP5 Cities of Carbon Fiber in China by Demand, 2018
Distribution of Chinese Carbon Fiber Production Enterprises
China’s Carbon Fiber Capacity Structure (by Province), 2018
Competition Pattern of China’s Carbon Fiber Market, 2018
Corporate Layout of China’s Carbon Fiber Industry Chain
Import Price of Japan’s T700 Carbon Fiber, 2009-2019
China’s Carbon Fiber Export and Import Volume, 2010-2018
Average Price of China’s Carbon Fiber Exports and Imports, 2010-2018
Structure of China’s Carbon Fiber Export Volume (by Region), 2018
China’s Carbon Fiber Prepreg Export and Import Volume, 2012-2018
Average Price of China’s Carbon Fiber Prepreg Exports and Imports, 2012-2018
Structure of China’s Carbon Fiber Prepreg Import Volume (by Region), 2018
Distribution of China’s Carbon Fiber Prepreg Export Destinations (by Export Volume), 2018
China’s Other Carbon Fiber Products Export and Import Volume, 2010-2018
Average Price of China’s Other Carbon Fiber Products Exports and Imports, 2010-2018
Structure of China’s Other Carbon Fiber Products Import Volume (by Region), 2018
Structure of China’s Other Carbon Fiber Products Export Volume (by Region), 2018
Global Carbon Fiber Composites Market Size and Growth Rate, 2013-2025E
Global Resin-based Carbon Fiber Composites Demand, 2012-2025E
Structure of Global Carbon Fiber Composites Market Size by Region, 2018
Structure of Carbon Fiber Composites Market Size by Substrate, 2018
Demand Structure of Carbon Fiber Composites by Application, 2018
Structure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Market Size by Application, 2018
Structure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Market Size by Region, 2018
Structure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Output by Production Process, 2018
Cost Structure of Carbon Fiber Composites
Structure of Global CFRTP Patents (by Region), as of 2018
Structure of Global Carbon Fiber Precursor Capacity by Country, 2018
Structure of China’s Carbon Fiber Precursor Capacity by Enterprise, 2018
Global Carbon Fiber Application Structure, 2013-2025E
History of Carbon Fiber Applied in Aerospace Field
Global Shipment Structure of Carbon Fiber Applied in Aerospace Market Segments, 2018
Market Share of Global Aeronautical Materials by Product, 2018
Market Share of Global Aeronautical Materials by Application, 2018
Application of Carbon Fiber Composites in Boeing 787 Dreamliner
A380 Fuselage Structure
B787 Fuselage Structure
Demand Structure of Carbon Fiber Composites in Global Aerospace Field, 2018
Commercial Aircraft Industry Development Plan
Demand Structure of Carbon Fiber Composites in Global Aerospace Field by Customer, 2018
Global Market Size of Carbon Fiber Composites for Aerospace and National Defense, 2013-2025E
Application of Carbon Fiber Composites in Automobiles
Major Manufacturers’ Patents on Vehicle Carbon Fiber
Capacity of BMW’s Carbon Fiber Plant, 2013-2018
Application Proportion of Carbon Fiber in BMW’s Auto Parts
Carbon-fiber Body Production Process of BMW i3
Carbon Fiber Consumption in Automotive Field Worldwide, 2020E
Prices of Main Materials for Automobile, 2018
Cost Comparison between Carbon-fiber Cars and Steel Cars
Global Automotive Carbon Fiber Composites Market Size and Growth Rate, 2013-2025E
Manufacturing Process of and Application of CFRP Parts
Significant Improvement in Performance of PAN-based Carbon Fiber Mixed with Pitch-based Carbon Fiber
Carbon Fiber Blades
Application of Carbon Fiber in Wind Turbine Blades
Global Cumulative and New Wind Power Capacity, 2009-2018
Global Market Size of Carbon Fiber Composites for Wind Power, 2013-2025E
Use of Carbon Fiber Composites for Sporting Goods
Demand Structure of Carbon Fiber Composites in Global Sports & Leisure Market by Product, 2018
Global Market Size of Carbon Fiber Composites for Sports & Leisure, 2013-2025E
Reinforcing Action of Carbon Fiber Composites in Buildings and Civil Engineering
Use of Carbon Fiber Composites for Medical Devices
Use of Carbon Fiber Composites for Shipping
Global Layout of Toray
Global Business Development Course of Toray
Revenue and Net Income of Toray, FY2010-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Toray by Division, FY2014-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Toray by Division, FY2018
Revenue of Toray by Region, FY2016-FY2018
Net Sales and Operating Income of Toray’s Carbon Fiber Division, FY2010-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Toray’s Carbon Fiber Division by Application, FY2012-FY2018
Carbon Fiber-related Investment Projects of Toray, FY2017-FY2018
Progress of Toray’s GR Projects
Toray’s Companies in China
Global Presence of Teijin
Revenue and Net Income of Teijin, FY2010-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Teijin by Division, FY2014-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Teijin by Division, FY2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Teijin’s Advanced Fibers and Composites Division, FY2011-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Teijin by Region, FY2018
Revenue and Net Income of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings, FY2010-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings by Business, FY2014-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings by Business, FY2018
Revenue and Net Income of Kureha, FY2010-FY2018
Revenue Structure of Kureha by Business, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Kureha’s Advanced Materials Division, FY2010-FY2018
Production Bases of Hexcel Worldwide
Revenue and Net Income of Hexcel, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Hexcel by Business, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Hexcel by Region, 2013-2018
Global Presence of Solvay
Revenue and Net Income of Solvay, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Solvay by Business, 2016-2018
Revenue Structure of Solvay by Region, 2016-2018
Revenue Structure of Solvay by Application, 2016-2018
Production Bases of SGL Carbon Worldwide
Revenue and Net Income of SGL Carbon, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of SGL Carbon by Business, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of SGL Carbon by Region, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of SGL Carbon by Consumption, 2016-2018
Revenue and EBITDA of SGL Carbon’s Carbon Fibers and Composites Division, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of SGL Carbon’s Carbon Fibers and Composites Division by Market, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Formosa Plastics, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Formosa Plastics by Division, 2014-2018
Revenue and Average Price of Formosa Plastics’ Carbon Fiber, 2010-2018
Carbon Fiber Capacity, Output and Utilization of Formosa Plastics, 2010-2018
Carbon Fiber Sales Volume and Sales-Output Ratio of Formosa Plastics, 2010-2018
Global Presence of Hyosung
Revenue and Net Income of Jiangsu Hengshen, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Jiangsu Hengshen by Product, 2013-2018
Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue of Jiangsu Hengshen, 2013-2018
Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement of Jiangsu Hengshen, 2013-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber, 2013-2018
Carbon Fiber Precursor Sales Volume of Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber, 2013-2018
Capacity Distribution of Fangda Carbon New Material by Product
Revenue and Net Income of Fangda Carbon New Material, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Fangda Carbon New Material by Product, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Fangda Carbon New Material by Region, 2010-2018
Gross Margin of Fangda Carbon New Material by Product, 2009-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Fangda Carbon New Material, 2011-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Jilin Fangda Jiangcheng Carbon Fiber, 2012-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Kangde Xin Composite Material, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of Kangde Xin Composite Material by Product, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Kangde Xin Composite Material by Region, 2010-2018
Gross Margin of Kangde Xin Composite Material, 2011-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of g Kangde Xin Composite Material, 2011-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Jilin Carbon, 2010-2018
Net Income of Kingfa Carbon Fiber Materials, 2013-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Jiyan High-tech Fibers, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Jiangsu Tianniao High Technology by Business, 2018
Revenue and Net Income of Sinofibers Technology, 2014-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Weihai Guangwei Composites, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Weihai Guangwei Composites by Product, 2014-2018
Performance Comparison of Carbon Fiber and Conventional Materials
Added Value of Carbon Fiber Industry Chain, 2018
Performance Comparison of Different Carbon Fibers
Different Carbon Fiber Composites and Their Uses
Types and Main Application of Carbon Fibers and Their Composites
History of Global Carbon Fiber Development
Capacity of World’s Major Carbon Fiber Production Enterprises, 2018
Comparison of Carbon Fiber Operations between World and China’s Major Enterprises, 2018
World’s Major Pitch-based Carbon Fiber Producers
Comparison Table of Precursor Technology and Performance Parameters of Major Foreign Companies
Cost Comparison of Original Carbon Fiber and Recycled Carbon Fiber
Policies on Carbon Fiber Industry
China’s Major Carbon Fiber Production Enterprises and Their Capacity, 2018
China’s Carbon Fiber Projects (Proposed & Under Construction), 2018
Technical Equipment of Chinese Carbon Fiber Production Enterprises
Market Price Comparison of High-end and Low-end Products in China’s Carbon Fiber Industry
Performance Parameters of Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber
Stages of China’s Carbon Fiber Product Development
Development Plan for Carbon Fiber Composites in “Made in China 2025”
Global Number of Patents about Carbon Fiber Composites, by 2018
Major Carbon Fiber Composites Producers in China
PN Carbon Fiber Precursor Preparation Routes of Global Mainstream Producers
Expansion of Major Global Carbon Fiber Producers in Aerospace Field
Examples of Lightweight CFRP Automotive Parts
Carbon Fiber Application Cases and Suppliers of Global Automakers
Expansion of Major Global Carbon Fiber Producers in Automobile Industry, 2011-2018
Cases of Carbon Fiber Applied in Automotive Field
Application Cases of Carbon Fiber Composites in Wind Turbines
Global Installed Wind Power Capacity Structure by Region, 2014-2018
Carbon Fiber Factories and Capacity of Toray, 2018
Carbon Fiber Companies under Teijin
Main Applications of Toho’s Carbon Fibers
Basic Information of Mitsubishi Rayon
Carbon Fiber Companies under Mitsubishi Rayon
Main Applications of Mitsubishi Rayon’s Carbon Fibers
Development of Mitsubishi Rayon’s Carbon Fiber Business
Revenue from Main Products of Kureha’s Advanced Materials Division, FY2013-FY2018
Business Divisions and Operating Business of Formosa Plastics
Operation of Hyosung, 2015-2018
Operation of Hyosung, 2019Q1
Revenue Contribution of Key Customers of Jiangsu Hengshen, 2018
Procurement Breakdown of Key Suppliers of Jiangsu Hengshen, 2018
Revenue Breakdown of Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber by Region, 2014-2018
Revenue Contribution of Key Customers of Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber, 2018
Procurement Breakdown of Key Suppliers of Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber, 2018
Carbon Fiber Precursor Technologies of Jilin Tangu Carbon Fiber
Revenue Structure of Sinofibers Technology by Product, 2014-2018
Carbon Fiber Product Capacity of Weihai Guangwei Composites, 2018
Output and Sales of Major Carbon Fiber Products of Weihai Guangwei Composites, 2016-2018