Thursday 27 July 2023, Amsterdam
The CBRN sensor market is projected to experience steady growth in the coming years due to increasing awareness about CBRN threats, technological advancements, and growing investments in defence and security infrastructure. Overall, the increasing focus on CBRN defence and security is expected to drive the growth of the CBRN sensor market in the coming years.
Modern CBRN sensors are intelligent, and responsive and can provide more accuracy and efficiency in agent identification. The use of sensor networks in combination with artificial intelligence and cloud-based data collection, processing and analytics is a growing technology trend. CBRN sensor network is becoming a critical component of any comprehensive CBRN defence strategy. Providing real-time information about potential threats can help authorities prevent or mitigate the effects of CBRN incidents, protecting public health and safety.
International collaborations and information sharing among authorities at various levels have increased the use of CBRN devices globally. This helps in collecting data from various places worldwide and helps generate analytical reports. Various countries are coming together to formulate strategies against the illicit trafficking of radioactive and other materials that pose threats.
The upcoming study from Market Forecast Amsterdam
"Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN) Sensors - Market and Technology Forecast to 2031" will uncover the scope for CBRN sensors for the identification, analysis and report submission for new or enhanced CBRN agents. Especially the emphasis on the need for threat analysis for developing medical countermeasures and vaccines for military and civilians has increased many folds. Similarly, the need for placing CBRN devices and portals at ports and airports has increased many folds to restrict the illicit trafficking of radiological substances. Furthermore, it provides the dynamics of many advancements in CBRN detection such as early warning alarms, multiple sensors in a single device and the development of a network of sensors for aggregated vision and analytics. contact: S. Koomen / ASDMedia BV - Veemkade 356 - 1019HD Amsterdam - The Netherlands
P : +31(0)20 486 1286 - F : +31(0)20 486 0216
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