Polypropylene copolymer is a type of plastic formed by the polymerization of propylene in the presence of a catalyst and a monomer. It is a colourless, translucent to transparent solid with a glossy surface and some exceptional properties like low specific gravity, high stiffness and high-temperature resistance to chemicals, good process ability via injection moulding and extrusion, low moisture absorption rate, etc. It is one of the most versatile thermoplastic polymers and finds applications in packaging, automotive, injection moulding, thermoforming, blow moulding etc. According to IMARC Group’s recently published report titled “Polypropylene Copolymer Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2021-2026”, the global polypropylene copolymer market is currently being driven by an increasing demand for these polymers in packaging, electrical and automotive industries. According to the report, this market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 4.2% during 2021-2026. The report provides a comprehensive insight into the industry including its market break-up by region, market breakup by end-uses, value chain analysis, import and export trends, key players and market outlook. The report also gives an insight into the manufacturing process of polypropylene copolymer covering key success and risk factors for manufacturers, manufacturing process flow, the reactions involved, raw materials and their requirements, etc.

The report has segmented the global polypropylene copolymer market on the basis of end-use. Rigid packaging represents the dominant segment and accounts for nearly 30% of the total global consumption. Rigid packaging is followed by textiles, technical parts, films and consumer products. The report has also segmented the market on the basis of key regions and finds that Asia represents the biggest consumer accounting for nearly half of the total global consumption. Asia is followed by North & South America and Europe. Based on the analysis of global export and import data, the report finds that China represents the largest importer of polypropylene copolymer accounting for around 16% of the global import values. China is followed by Germany, Italy, Turkey and Mexico. Belgium represents the largest exporter accounting for around 14% of the total global export values. Belgium is followed by Republic of Korea, Singapore and the United States.

The report has also analysed the key players operating in the global polypropylene copolymer market. LyondellBasell currently represents the world’s biggest producer of polypropylene copolymer and accounts for around 10% of the total global capacity. LyondellBasell is followed by Sinopec Group, Braskem Group, SABIC and PetroChina Group.

The essential aspects of the global polypropylene copolymer market evaluated in the report include:

Market trends
Major regions
Key application areas
Key manufacturers
Price trends
Raw material requirements
Chemical reactions involved in the manufacturing process
Major importers and exporters
Value chain analysis
Market trends for major feedstocks
Price trends for major feedstocks
Key regions for major feedstocks
Key application areas for major feedstocks
Key players for major feedstocks