The Global Adaptogenic Mushrooms Market size is expected to reach $20.1 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 9.9% CAGR during the forecast period.

Adaptogenic mushroom describes mushroom varieties with special health benefits and nutritional value. These mushrooms can contribute to well-being and health by enhancing cognitive function, reducing stress, and increasing energy levels. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory characteristics and give a high number of antioxidants to increase energy and blood flow in the body and aid in stress management.
These mushrooms are nutrient-dense and include high levels of fiber, protein, and vitamins and sufficient amounts of proteins, lipids, enzymes, essential oils such as triterpenes, and polysaccharides beta-glucans, which is driving sales of functional mushrooms. Adaptogens are plants and fungi that assist the body in responding to stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and overall health. Adaptogens can be consumed by adding them to food or beverages, brewing them into tea, or swallowing them in capsule form.

Adaptogens restore the body’s equilibrium by regulating mental and physical stressors, enhancing the body’s resistance to the detrimental effects of stress, and promoting or restoring normal physiological functioning. In addition, it helps the body deal with stress, worry, and exhaustion. Adaptogen is intended to supply the herb that helps the body regulate its natural metabolism and attain equilibrium. It reduces psychological stress.
Adaptogens are available in various forms, including adaptogen teas, adaptogen powder that can be taken with food, and capsules. The primary factors driving the expansion of the adaptogenic mushroom market size are the increasing stress levels of consumers worldwide. The market expansion is propelled by consumers’ growing interest in natural health cures and their growing understanding of mushrooms’ health advantages. Moreover, the growing levels of consumer stress are a significant element driving market demand.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The rising prevalence of diseases caused by meat and junk food is one of the most prevalent causes of veganism and increased awareness of the health benefits of a vegan diet. Thus, with the spread of COVID-19, consumers have increased their desire for vegan foods, such as adaptogenic mushrooms, which help them develop immunity and combat the virus. Thus, the demand for therapeutic mushroom-based foods and supplements is increasing. As a result, the market for adaptogenic mushrooms is growing, as they offer the body all the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Market Growth Factors
Growing demand in pharmaceutical industry
The rise of the market for adaptogenic mushrooms is stimulated by the fact that functional molecules from mushrooms improve patients’ quality of life on lifelong treatment drugs. Moreover, functional mushrooms can boost other treatments and complement contemporary therapy when used as medication. The increasing preference for using natural goods, like functional mushrooms, in conventional therapies is driving market expansion. In addition, ongoing research into the bioactive metabolites of mushrooms is anticipated to expedite the use of adaptogenic mushrooms in medicinal applications for the foreseeable future.

Growing health consciousness among consumers
Innovations for creating new gourmet dishes employing adaptogenic mushrooms and the rising demand for high-quality food products are driving market expansion. The expansion of distribution channels and the increasing availability of functional mushrooms via e-commerce portals are major factors in the market’s expansion. Furthermore, growing government efforts to encourage mushroom cultivation and meet rising demand provide additional impetus for market expansion. In addition, the increasing penetration of market participants and the expansion of the distribution of high-quality mushrooms are anticipated to be important market drivers for adaptogenic mushrooms over the coming years.

Market Restraining Factors
Lack of research and concerns regarding raw products’ quality
Since medicinal mushrooms are a relatively new trend, many dietitians did not obtain much education or training on the topic. Another major obstacle is sourcing; many therapeutic mushrooms cannot be taken in their natural, unprocessed form, so processing is required. However, many of these mushrooms are supplied from foreign countries, which may raise environmental and pesticide safety concerns. Hence, the lack of study conducted on these mushrooms, which causes consumers to seek out information about the product on their own, and worries surrounding the quality of the raw product, may restrain market expansion.

Product Outlook
Based on product, the adaptogenic mushrooms market is segmented into reishi, chaga, turkey tail, lion’s mane, cordyceps and others. In 2021, the reishi segment held the highest revenue share in the adaptogenic mushrooms market. Reishi’s potential health advantages and long-standing use in herbal medicine drive its demand as an adaptogenic fungus. Traditional Chinese medicine has utilized reishi mushrooms to boost immune system health and lengthen life. Reishi, an adaptogenic mushroom, is becoming more well-known in the wellness sector as a natural way to enhance the body’s capacity to respond to stress and advance general well-being.

Application Outlook
On the basis of application, the adaptogenic mushrooms market is divided into immunity booster, stress & anxiety relief, cognitive, brain support & mental health support, insomnia treatment and others. In 2021, the stress & anxiety relief segment witnessed the largest revenue share in the adaptogenic mushrooms market. The supposed health benefits gained from adaptogenic mushrooms, including regulation of adrenal glands, improvement of oxygen uptake, enhancement of energy levels, and reduction of inflammation, are the primary force behind the segment’s demand. Furthermore, the rise in chronic inflammatory cases supports using adaptogenic mushrooms to treat anxiety and stress.

Form Outlook
By form, the adaptogenic mushrooms market is classified into fresh/whole, dried and processed. The fresh/whole segment garnered a significant revenue share in the adaptogenic mushrooms market in 2021. The strong demand for nutrient-dense foods and rising consumer awareness of ethically sourced commodities are driving up the price of fresh mushrooms. In addition, the flavor of fresh mushrooms is more subtle and nuanced than dried mushrooms, and it may be more intense and earthy. In the anticipated term, the segment’s expansion is anticipated to be aided by the rising demand for nutrient-dense foods and their exquisite flavors.

Regional Outlook
Region-wise, the adaptogenic mushrooms market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and LAMEA. In 2021, the Asia Pacific region led the adaptogenic mushrooms market by generating the highest revenue share. In recent years, the Asia Pacific region has seen a steady rise in the market for adaptogenic mushrooms. Adaptogenic mushrooms are medicinal fungi used for generations in Asian traditional medicine. They have several health advantages, including reducing stress, supporting the immune system, and reducing inflammation.

The market research report covers the analysis of key stake holders of the market. Key companies profiled in the report include Fungi Perfecti LLC, Sun Potion, Om Mushroom Superfood, Four Sigmatic, Real Mushrooms, Terrasoul Superfoods, JHS Natural Products, Inc. (Mushroom Science), Nammex, Bristol Botanicals Limited, and Annanda Chaga Mushrooms.

Recent Strategies Deployed in Adaptogenic Mushrooms Market
Partnerships, Collaborations and Agreements:
Dec-2022: Nammex came into partnership with Ethical Naturals Inc., a supplier of botanical and natural source ingredients, to develop a new range of authentic mushroom-derived offerings. Through this partnership, Nammex’s fungal ingredients would be integrated with Ethical Naturals’ Alpha Wave brand products constituents to create a functional blend namely, Mushroom-Plus, delivering intensified alpha brainwave activity and strengthening relaxation.

Product Launches and Expansions:
Feb-2023: Fungi Perfecti? announced the launch of four new mushroom mycelium products to its portfolio. The three new products namely, MyCommunity?, Breathe?*, and CordyChi?Lion’s Mane, containing 17 beneficial mushroom species, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga would provide energy, reduce fatigue, boost immunity and support relaxation. The new offerings would now be available in powder form.
Jun-2022: Four Sigma Foods, Inc. unveiled Super Powders, a suite of fruity, hydrating powdered drink blends delivering health benefits. The portfolio would incorporate three new products namely, Perform Super Powder (Raspberry Pomegranate), Gut Health Super Powder (Apple Celery), and Chill Super Powder (Blueberry Lavender), developed through the combined power of botanicals, minerals, and adaptogens. The three products would boost energy, nourish the gut, and provide relief from stress.

Dec-2021: Four Sigmatic introduced the latest product line of coffee creamers, which include the market’s highest dosage (500mg) of functional mushrooms. This line is developed to offer the brand’s unique mushroom heritage and support its mission of bringing healthy and accessible products to coffee routines across the world.
Oct-2021: Four Sigmatic released Immune Support Ground Coffee and Perform Ground Coffee. This latest product includes mushrooms for functional benefits. Along with that, this coffee is made for high performers who are seeking energy and productivity.
Oct-2021: Om Mushroom Superfood announced the launch of Morning Energy Blend, a latest blend of two species of cordyceps and Vitamin D2 derived from agaricus bisporus to enhance energy and mood. Moreover, it would also include lion’s mane, rhodiola, turkey tail and king trumpet to boost immunity, whereas reishi and chaga would deliver antioxidants to body.

Scope of the Study
Market Segments covered in the Report:
By Application

  • • Stress & Anxiety Relief
    • Insomnia Treatment
    • Immunity Booster
    • Coginitive, Brain Support & Mental Health Support
    • Others

By Form

  • • Dried
    • Processed
    • Fresh/Whole

By Product

  • • Reishi
    • Lion’s Mane
    • Turkey Tail
    • Cordyceps
    • Chaga
    • Others

By Geography

  • • North America
    •·Rest of North America
    • Europe
    •·Rest of Europe
    • Asia Pacific
    •·South Korea
    •·Rest of Asia Pacific
    • LAMEA
    •·Saudi Arabia
    •·South Africa
    •·Rest of LAMEA

Companies Profiled

  • • Fungi Perfecti LLC
    • Sun Potion
    • Om Mushroom Superfood
    • Four Sigmatic
    • Real Mushrooms
    • Terrasoul Superfoods
    • JHS Natural Products, Inc. (Mushroom Science)
    • Nammex
    • Bristol Botanicals Limited
    • Annanda Chaga Mushrooms

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