Market Overview
Facility Management is a professional management discipline used for supporting functionality, safety, and sustainability of buildings, infrastructure, and real estate by integrating people, place, process, and technology. It is a process of managing a physical workplace and providing all necessary services like equipment maintenance, space planning, portfolio forecasting, and maintenance support to various end-users, such as offices, schools, hospitals, the residential sector, etc.
According to the MarkNtel Advisors’ research report, "UAE Facility Management Market Analysis, 2021," the market is likely to grow at a CAGR of around 9% during 2021-26. The market growth attributes to the surging demand for facility management services in commercial & residential buildings and increasing industrial projects.
Further, the mounting investments in the construction sector to enhance their activities and the flourishing tourism sector of the country are primary factors propelling the growth of the UAE Facility Management Market. Besides, UAE is witnessing snowballing use of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics in the facility management market, thereby presenting a lucrative opportunity to drive market growth.
Impact of COVID-19
The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the UAE Facility Management Market due to countrywide lockdown imposition and other restrictions laid by the government to control the spread of the disease. Further, due to the pandemic, facility management vendors are focusing on survival and business continuity due to the temporary shutdown of most end-users. In addition to this, delivery of routine services by suppliers became the most prominent challenge restraining the market growth. However, due to the spread of the virus, the need for frequent cleaning services has significantly increased, thereby providing a profitable opportunity to drive market growth in the forecast period.

Market Segmentation
In-House Segment Attained the Highest Market Share
Based on the Operating Model, the market segments are In-House and Outsourced. Of these segments, In-House held the largest share in the UAE Facility Management Market in the past few years due to its convenience offered to end-users. Besides, surging demand for in-house facility management services by the majority of end-user verticals for the better management of their assets and other services, including security, cleaning, and catering, further fuels the segment growth, cites MarkNtel Advisors in their research report, "UAE Facility Management Market Analysis, 2021."
Hard Type Segment Accounted for the Largest Market Share
Based on Type, the UAE Facility Management Market bifurcates into Hard, Soft, Risk, and Administrative segments. Among these segments, Hard Type acquired the largest share in the market in the previous few years due to the surging adoption of hard facility management services by organizations for better workplace management and mounting consumer inclination toward using professional services. It is because the hard type facility management services are technical and require trained professionals for their delivery. Additionally, increasing Foreign Direct Investments in the infrastructure sector also fuels the demand for hard facility management services, thereby propelling the market growth.
Regional Landscape
Dubai Dominated the UAE Facility Management Market
Dubai attained the highest share in the UAE Facility Management Market in the previous few years due to the rapid expansion of the construction industry in the region and various ongoing projects in the real-estate sector. Some of Dubai’s current big projects, such as Dubai Metro Red Line extension, Royal Atlantis Resort & Residences (Palm Jumeirah), and the Container Terminal 4 (Jebel Ali Port) expansion, are likely to generate growth opportunities for UAE Facility Management Market.
Market Driver
Growing Tourism Sector Boosts the Market Growth
The flourishing tourism industry of UAE plays a crucial role in propelling the UAE Facility Management Market, primarily because of increasing FDIs (Foreign Direct Investments) and mounting tourist inflow. In addition to this, snowballing government support and the increasing demand for security, environmental management, and safety services for enhancing tourist attractions in hotels are primary factors driving the market growth.
Competitive Landscape
According to MarkNtel Advisors, the major leading players in the UAE Facility Management market are EMRILL Services LLC, Imdaad L.L.C., Farnek Services LLC, EFS Facilities Management Services, COFELY BESIX Facility Management, Khidmah LLC, Al Shirawi Facilities Management LLC, Interserve, Etisalat Facilities Management LLC., and Enova Facility Management Services LLC.
Key Questions Answered in the Market Research Report:
1. What are the overall market statistics or estimates (Market Overview, Market Size- by Value, Forecast Numbers, Market Segmentation, and Market Shares) of the Global Next-Generation Ultrasound System Market?
2. What are the region-wise industry size, growth drivers, and challenges?
3. What are the key innovations, opportunities, current & future trends, and regulations in the Global Next-Generation Ultrasound System Market?
4. Who are the key competitors, their key strengths & weaknesses, and how do they perform in the Global Next-Generation Ultrasound System Market based on a competitive benchmarking matrix?
5. What are the key results derived from the market surveys conducted during the Global Next-Generation Ultrasound System Market study?
Market Outlook, Segmentation and Statistics
1) Impact of COVID-19 on UAE Facility Management Market
2) Industry Potential & Outlook
a) By Revenues
3) Industry Segmentation & Outlook
a) By Type
i) Hard
ii) Soft
iii) Risk
iv) Administrative
4) By Operating Model
a) In-House
b) Outsourced
5) By Service Delivery
a) Integrated
b) Bundled
c) Single Services
6) By End Users
a) Commercial
b) Residential
c) Government
d) Retail
e) Education
f) Healthcare
g) Hospitality
7) By Enterprise Size
a) Large
b) Mid-Size
c) Small
8) By Region
a) Dubai
b) Abu Dhabi & Al Ain
c) Sharjah & Northern Emirates
9) By Competitors
a) Competition Characteristics
b) Market Share & Analysis
c) Competitive Matrix
10) UAE Facility Management Market Hotspots & Opportunities
11) UAE Facility Management Market Regulations & Policy
12) Key Strategic Imperatives for Success and Growth
13) Global Competition Outlook
a) Competition Matrix
b) Company Profile