Sepsis diagnosis
The current research study discusses the understanding of sepsis, its epidemiology, sepsis diagnosis and unmet clinical need of rapid sepsis diagnosis, existing and developing diagnostic platforms for sepsis management including patents landscape, clinical studies, Regional analysis, companies and their sepsis diagnostic platforms. 

The clinical studies part covers major sepsis diagnosis clinical trials from, their progress status, type of phase and industrial and non-industrial sponsors.

The sepsis diagnosis platforms discussed in this research study include existing and developing sepsis diagnostic platforms such as procalcitonin immunoassays, lateral flow immunoassays, Heparin Binding Protein (HBP) immunoassays, Complement C5a based immunoassays; nucleic acid sequencing directly from body fluids and identification of pathogens and/or antimicrobial profiling through Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technology; Novel technologies like blood cleaning system, Cell Mechanics, FISH (Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization), Host-gene-expression-based approaches for sepsis diagnosis. 

A major part of the study talks about a variety of PCR and real-time PCR-based rapid diagnosis platforms for sepsis management. Some of these are direct sample-in/results-out and some platforms require few hours of blood incubation followed by sample-in/results-out. 

Additionally, this study discusses some of the instruments/ analysers and handheld devices, Mass-spectroscopy based sepsis diagnosis, Machine Learning and predictive algorithm for sepsis diagnosis and combination approaches. 

Further, this study profiles major players in sepsis diagnosis from North America, Europe and some players from Asia.