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Consumer landscape 2021
Life priorities
Time with parents is considered a top priority
Thais do not assign as much importance to their favourite activities
Gen Z value time with friends far more than other generations
Nearly 75% of respondents want products uniquely tailored to them
Gen X more often seek out curated experiences tailored to their tastes
Consumers like to try new products and will conduct extensive research
Older cohorts will conduct extensive research on products they consume
Home life
Entertaining guests at home declines as virtual connections surge
Gen Z and Millennials have high frequency of home-based video gaming
Thais want a safe location, with access to outside space and clean air
Smart home functionality appeals more to Gen Z
Eating habits
Nearly double global % order food for delivery/takeaway weekly
Millennials reheat or prepare a ready meal more than other cohorts
Thai consumers select foods that offer health and nutritional benefits
Older generations have a more flexitarian approach to food
Lunch is not as popular in lone households, but a high % eat breakfast
Lone households enjoy a morning snack nearly as much as breakfast
Nearly half of respondents eat snacks while watching TV/streaming
Millennials more likely to look for snacks that can be taken with them
Working life
Having job security more important than high earnings or home working
H aving a job that offers work-life balance appeals most to Gen X
E arning a high salary just trumps job security for Gen Z
Expectations to be self-employed in future far exceeds global average
Being self-employed appeals to older cohorts after working from home
Sustainable living
Consumers have high levels of trust in eco-friendly and recyclable labels
Older generations more actively working to have a more positive impact
Reducing the amount of plastic is of prime concern to consumers
All generations are highly aware of the need to reduce use of plastics
Nearly half of respondents are aiming to reduce their use of energy
Using sustainable packaging is the top green activity for Gen Z
Leisure habits
Over a third of respondents go on a day trip every month
Millennials more prolific online socialisers than other cohorts
Shopping continues to be the most frequent leisure activity
Millennials pursue more leisure activities than other cohorts
Only 19% of respondents did not go on any domestic leisure trips
Shopping is low on the list of travel features for Thai holidaymakers
Relaxation is a key element when consumers select holidays
Health and wellness
A high % of women take health supplements or vitamins every day
Running or jogging for exercise and fitness is more popular than walking
Gen Z are least likely to take a group fitness class
Traditional stress-reduction techniques are most popular
Millennials more likely to visit a spa to help them to relax
Shopping habits
Shoppers focus on buying less to afford better quality products
Millennials and Gen X seek personalised shopping experiences
Consumers more influenced by their social media network than average
Overall, all cohorts tend to rely more on independent reviews
Easy access to shops makes immediate purchase a key motivator
Convenient location prime motivator for in-store shopping for Gen X
Best price and free shipping are key online shopping motivations
Baby Boomers drawn to the convenience of online shopping
Preference to communicate online far exceeds global average
High ownership of smartphones, but lower than average gaming consoles
Ownership of fitness wearables below global average
High levels of online activities, especially online video gaming
Social networking is a top activity for all generations