The global medical imaging equipment and informatics market is experiencing a surge in innovative manufacturing and supply chain management techniques that enable the uninterrupted supply of imaging equipment. In addition, cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, advanced analytics, and AI/machine learning drive the adoption of enterprise imaging IT solutions in developed and developing economies. These technologies are creating opportunities that did not exist a few years ago.

In this report, the market and provides five predictions for 2023. Considering international events over the last few years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Russo-Ukrainian war, inflation, and recession, significantly affect the market, we use 2020–2027 as the study period, with 2022 as the base year. The forecast period is 2023–2027 to give participants ideas of what to expect in the next four years.

We segment the market into medical imaging equipment and informatics, defining subsegments for each. Other information related to the segments includes:
  • Revenue forecast and analysis by segment and region [North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Rest of the World
  • Drivers and restraints
  • Companies to watch

We expect the high procurement of AI-enabled solutions through marketplaces, the evolution of new care locations beyond hospitals, the surge in mobile and portable imaging equipment utilization, and increasing accessibility to remote areas through teleradiology and cloud-based solutions to provide excellent prospects for the medical imaging market.