Challenges Abound the US Personalized Cancer Genome Sequencing Market

According to a new report, the US Personalized Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) Market, brimming with immense revenue generating possibilities, is being hurdled by various constraints hampering its growth. Key factors that are slowing down the growth of this nascent market include high costs, high turnaround time, low penetration and poor awareness amongst physicians and patients.

The high cost of the process is primarily attributed to the development of bioinformatics tools and suitable sequence analysis. The final associated costs reach is so high that it makes it unaffordable for patients, most of whom have to pay out-of-pocket expenses for it. Further, for most cancer cases requires WGS services and the usual turnaround time is around 10-12 weeks. This plays as a huge deterrent to both the patient and physician attending to the patient, as significant changes can result in the state of patients' cancer during this long stretch of time, rendering the diagnosis useless. To overcome these challenges, the players need to focus on reaching out to more people and work on reducing turnaround time that would eventually lead to the lowering of associated costs.

The report, entitled "US Personalized Cancer Genome Sequencing Market", provides an extensive research and in-depth analysis of the current status and expected position of the US market for personalized WGS intended for diagnosing cancer. It evaluates the current status and future potential of the market and focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the market players.

Moreover, the report projects the future size of the market till 2016. In this context, it illustrates the market drivers, key developments, and restraints that may impact the market in an effective manner. A brief description of the regulatory environment has also been provided in the report.