Increasing Environmental Concerns Have Become an Important Factor Contributing to the Growth of the Organic Fertilizer Market

Organic fertilizers are derivatives of minerals, animal and plant residues. They also constitute beneficial microorganisms. Organic fertilizers or microbial inoculants are composed of fungi and living microorganisms that help plants grow. These fertilizers help plants by fixing nitrogen in the atmosphere, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth by synthesizing growth-promoting substances. Organic fertilizer can also promote the growth of worms, which is very beneficial to the soil. In addition, crops produced by using organic fertilizers have various health benefits.

The upward trend in the use of sustainable agricultural methods has been the main driver of this market. The growing market for green technologies and the harmful effects of synthetic fertilizers on the soil are other factors positively affecting the growth of this market. Moreover, the raw materials used to produce organic fertilizers are naturally available, and therefore, the manufacturing costs in this market are lower compared to synthetic fertilizers. Increasing research and development in the field of agricultural biologics has also increased market revenue in this field. The development of the industrialization of organic agriculture and the increasing demand for high-quality, residue-free organic crops have promoted the growth of this market.

Several government regulations restricting the use of agrochemicals are another driving force for this market. The main constraint here is the dependence on inorganic fertilizers for crop cultivation. In order to create the best conditions for plant growth, both organic and synthetic farming methods are combined to seek optimized solutions to agronomic problems.

This report studies the opportunities provided by this market with respect to segmentation of the global market for organic fertilizers. This report titled "Global Organic Fertilizers - Market and Technology Forecast to 2028” is segmented by Region, and form.

The regions under study include North America, the European Union, Asia Pacific and World Heritage. The crops are subdivided into grains and grains, oil and beans, fruits and vegetables. The source types of organic fertilizers include-plant-based, animal-based and mineral-based. Organic fertilizers available on the market are dry and liquid. The growing organic food market mainly controls the market growth of the organic fertilizer market. It is estimated that the global organic fertilizer market is worth 9 billion US dollars and is expected to grow to 29 billion US dollars by 2028. During the forecast period, the market is estimated to grow at a growth rate of 15%.

Increasing environmental concerns have become an important factor contributing to the growth of the organic fertilizer market. The rising cost of fertilizers and the use of sustainable agriculture are another factor supporting market growth. The governments of several countries are encouraging the use of organic fertilizers, which further promotes market growth. It is expected that animal-derived organic fertilizers will occupy the largest share in the global market, with a market share of approximately 30% of the global market. According to the formula, the dry organic fertilizer business accounts for more than 50% of the global market revenue due to its easy mixing with soil.

Due to the increase in population and consumer disposable income, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to maintain the highest global income in the organic fertilizer market, and it is also the fastest growing segment. In addition, the dramatic shift from traditional traditional farming methods to organic crop cultivation has also promoted market growth in this field. In addition, as people are increasingly aware of the health benefits of organic crops, countries such as China, India, Australia and Brazil are expected to experience growth in this field. Cotton, sugar cane, fruits and vegetables, and grains are the main agricultural products exported by these countries.

The report “Global Organic Fertilizers - Market and Technology Forecast to 2028” is segmented based on Region, Crop Type, Source, and form. The study period is 2018- 2028 and the forecast period is 2020-2028.

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