The cyberwarfare market worth $15.9bn in 2012

Analysis indicates that the cyberwarfare market will reach a value of $15.9bn in 2012, as governments around the world continue to invest in a range of cyberwarfare systems and solutions designed to offer protection against a wide range of cyber threats including protecting information and infrastructure from hostile states, as well as non-state actors both at home and abroad.

Spending on cyberwarfare has been ring-fenced from the massive cuts being initiated in the defence sectors of a number of major markets. Despite this, sales may suffer a little, but are likely to remain relatively high, especially whilst the threat to national security posed by a successful cyber attack remains an important point of interest for both the public and private sector. The cyberwarfare market is likely to be driven by increasingly networked systems requiring increasing levels of protection from a continuing, persistent threat.

The Cyberwarfare Market 2012-2022 report contains 103 tables, charts and figures that quantify and forecast the cyberwarfare market. The new report provides forecasts for the period 2012-2022 in terms of value (US$) for the cyberwarfare market. In addition, the report quantifies, analyses and forecasts 15 leading national cyberwarfare markets from 2012-2022. The report provides profiles of 30 leading companies operating within the market, and includes interviews with CUBIC Cyber Solutions and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), global providers of cyber security solutions to business and governments, providing expert insight alongside analysis.

The Cyberwarfare Market 2012-2022 report will be of value to current and future potential investors into the cyberwarfare industry, as well as companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the cyberwarfare market.