Global Armoured Vehicle Market to Be Worth $13.36bn in 2016

This 242 page, now available on ASDReports, Military Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2016-2026: Forecasts for Main Battle Tanks (MBT), Medium Armoured Vehicles (MAV), Light Protected Vehicles (LPV), Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) Vehicles & Other Armoured Vehicles (AV). Contracts For (ACV, AFV, AMPV, APC, ASLAV, BRV-O, CCV, CRV, DVH, FFV,  FICV, GCV, HAPC,  HEMITT, HET, HMMWV, ICV, IFV, ILAV, JLTV, LCVS, LPPV, MASV, M-ATV, MLTV,  MPC, MSFV, PMV-L, TAPV) Programmes & Technologies report indicates that the military armoured vehicle market is set to be worth $13.36bn in 2016, driven by international defence spending and regional trends.

Frederick Neve, Visiongain’s defence analyst and the author of the military armoured vehicle report commented that “visiongain believes that the Armoured Vehicle market will grow slowly but steadily over the forecast period as long term defence procurement programmes related to military armoured vehicles slow down, Whilst there are a number of programmes requiring new fleets of military armoured vehicle – The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Programme being a notable example – visiongain anticipates that the majority of spending over the next decade will be primarily focussed on upgrading existing fleets of vehicles and their internal mechanisms. visiongain believes that the military armoured vehicle market is still reeling from the 2008 financial crisis and demand being reduced as a result of the withdrawal of U.S. led troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, and with little prospect for major war between symmetric powers “

The 242 page report contains 240 tables, charts and graphs that utilise visual representation in order to clarify trends and market projections within the military armoured vehicle market. Visiongain provides a range of forecasts for the period 2016-2026, as well as for four submarket sectors: Main Battle Tanks, Medium Armoured Vehicles, Light Protected Vehicles, and Other Armoured Vehicles. The four submarket forecasts are revealed at the global level and also for each of the leading 14 national markets as well as the RoW.

In addition, these 14 leading national markets are analysed by visiongain over the period 2016-2026, while the ‘Rest of the World’ market includes information about a further 6 national markets. The report also provides profiles of 8 leading companies operating within the market.