Global Military Aerostat Market to Be Worth $4,175mn in 2016

This 165 page, now available on ASDReports, Military Aerostats Market Report 2016-2026: Forecast by Product Type (Tethered, Airship). Contracts & Analysis of High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems (PGSS), Persistent Threat Detection Systems (PTDS), Tethered Aerostat Radar Systems (TARS), Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3), Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) & Ground-Based Operational Surveillance Systems (GBOSS) Towers for Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) due to unstable defence budgets and rising security threats driving nations to look for more effective intelligence gathering options.

Sophie Hammond, Defence analyst and the author of Military Aerostats report commented that:

“Military aerostats have a long and storied past, however, they present a thoroughly modern option for governments wanting to secure a low-cost, high-tech option for intelligence gathering.  Additionally, renewed interest in the potential of airships will see governments investing heavily in the possibility of near space and cargo carrying designs”.

The 165 page report contains 169 tables, charts and graphs that utilise visual representation in order to clarify trends and market projections within the military aerostat market. The key player provides a range of forecasts for the period 2016-2026, as well as for two submarket sectors: Tethered and Airships.  The two submarket forecasts are revealed at the global level and for 10 other leading national markets, including the ‘Rest of the World’ market over the period 2016-2026.  The report also profiles 11 of the leading companies within the military aerostat market.