Parkinson’s drug market will reach $3426 million in 2016

A new report predicts that the overall world market for drugs to treat Parkinson’s disease will reach $3426m in 2016. That revenue forecast and others appear in Parkinson's Disease: World Drug Market 2013-2023, published in January 2013.

The study finds that new first-in-class drugs will boost the Parkinson’s disease market. Adenosine receptor antagonists will gain approval in the near term followed by new glutamatergic drugs, with Novartis’s AFQ056 (mavoglurant) and Addex’s dipraglurant vying to be the first in this class. These approvals will invigorate the market and offset patent expiries for older drugs such as Boehringer Ingelheim’s Mirapex.

Dr James Evans, a pharmaceutical industry analyst said: “Our analyses identify several new symptomatic treatments for unmet needs in Parkinson’s disease (PD), including orthostatic hypotension, Parkinson’s-related psychosis and sialorrhoea. However, the R&D pipeline contains more-significant candidates than these, in the form of possible disease-modifying agents that could change the treatment paradigm. These include repurposed existing drugs such as exenatide and isradapine, and new small-molecule agents such as Phytopharm’s Cogane and Newron’s safinamide. Many possible neuroprotectants are novel agents, including gene therapies, stem cell treatments and peptides.

“The PD market is entering a transition away from the established drugs, towards new mechanisms of action. Requip, Mirapex and Stalevo are all off-patent now. Teva’s Azilect will become the leading drug, almost by default, as the last of the current market leaders to have some patent protection remaining.

“New and emerging therapies hold the promise of major changes to the current treatment paradigm. For example, the glutamatergic drugs may deal with levodopa-induced dyskinesia. That might sound like a minor tweak to the existing symptomatic treatments, but actually it’s important because it would allow physicians to prescribe L-dopa earlier and more vigorously. At the moment they often hold off with L-dopa because of side-effects. Start using L-dopa earlier and you could dispense with agents like dopamine agonists as first-line treatments: L-dopa with the right adjuncts would be better. You also have reformulations of L-dopa in the R&D pipeline, such as Impax’s Rytary candidate, which would help drive that change.

“The real goal is to get disease-modifying treatments approved, and that will begin to happen in the next ten years. The negative verdict on Teva’s ADAGIO trials of Azilect shows that there’s going to be a high burden of proof. But within the next five years or so there’ll be gene therapies in phase III, products like Oxford BioMedica’s ProSavin will be on the way. Someone is going to crack PD disease-modification in the next 10 years, and it will be a different market once that’s happened.”

The study concludes that the PD market will change significantly by 2023, with new mechanisms of action capturing market share, and new biomarkers helping to validate trials of neuroprotectant agents and prove disease modification for the first time.

This report shows revenue forecasts to 2023 at overall world market, submarket and national level. It forecasts these world-level submarkets:

Research, data and analyses cover activities of Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Newron, Teva, Addex, Abbott and other pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

That new study discusses R&D and commercial developments, shows research interviews and predicts overall revenues to 2023 in leading national markets. The work analyses the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Spain, Italy (EU5) and the BRIC nations (grouped analysis).